Lights left on in flower

Hey all,
I've had a problem with my timer and the plants got three days of permanent light. They're about 8 weeks into flower (taking an age due to cold temps) and were doing quite well.
They're back on 12/12 now but wondering what adverse effects I might expect from this?
Thanks for any replies
i been doing alot of reading on here in the past few days and im sure i read sum where that it may send them back in to veg state
just pray things dont fuck up and gud luk
( any veteran growers feel free to tell me to shut up if im wrong )
- Stoney


Well-Known Member
If its the 1st time this has happened you should be fine. I think if there this far into flowering theres no chance of them re-vegging from that.


Well-Known Member
they wont re veg, but the chances of hermies have increased. keep an eye on them.
i usually squeeze a bud or two and its very easy to feel the difference between solid nugs and seeds.
how many weeks do you have left?
if its like a 8-10 weeks strain i say you should be fine. but if its a sativa that has a ways to go, i would just be cautious of the hermies.
this exact thing happend to me except i was only 3 days into flower.
i got herms on one strain but not all.

good luck


you shouldnt have any problems just make sure you keep the 12 hours of dark. and hermies are most likley not going to show this late but its never bad to check. and never trust your timer!!! lol i always double check.
They're sativas so a way to go yet. The seeds were feminised, could i still get hermies. Its my first time growing so all a learning experience. Hopefully next time will run a lot smother.
Not sure whether you can trace a hotmail account. Surely you would need a court order to do so and for my personal smoke it would hardly seem worth it. I'm not growing at the address i have my net connection anyway so should be ok. Can you change the setting to not display your email just in case??


Well-Known Member
They're sativas so a way to go yet. The seeds were feminised, could i still get hermies. Its my first time growing so all a learning experience. Hopefully next time will run a lot smother.
Not sure whether you can trace a hotmail account. Surely you would need a court order to do so and for my personal smoke it would hardly seem worth it. I'm not growing at the address i have my net connection anyway so should be ok. Can you change the setting to not display your email just in case??
well you'v put your name as ur hotmail so u cant change that now.
like i said the plants should be fine just keep ur eye out for new growth around ur buds, but i cant see it happening