Lights on wrong time in flowering…?


Well-Known Member
Jeez! Louise....Where the F*@k is sunni....



EDIT: Anybody can grow MJ, but to do it WELL takes time, and a Fair bit of Trial & Error not to mention research....

And that's the point of Forums...IMO...sharing, learning and chatting to like minded(or not) peeps....


Well-Known Member
"Nights of total darkness

An important thing to remember about the indoor bud cycle is that the dark period must be absolute and uninterrupted. The room must be thoroughly sealed to be completely dark when the lights are off. The only way to test this is to sit in the room in the dark, either during the day or with any lights outside the room on, to check for light leaks. It is advisable to allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness before declaring the room adequately sealed.

Once the bud cycle has begun it is important to never interrupt the dark period with any light, even for a short period of time. Doing so may interrupt the long, slow process of change that the plant had been working on up to that point. The plant may react by having to restart the process and seriously delay the scheduled maturation time."

Will it be okay? Sure! Was it okay to do that? No.