Limits on pot use?


Active Member
Over the past two weeks I've been smoking alot more pot than usual, like everyday, more than a few times. I was at the rate of a few small sessions per day by yesterday and today I got pretty damn stoned (and am now) because I thought I should really do the weed justice and go for it and I told myself I was gonna do this last big getting high and then try and do it less often. But I've told myself that like a bunch over the last few days and kept on smoking.

So I dunno, I guess the question is how frequently can you smoke pot before it gets out of your comfort range.



Usually a bowl, lately it's been about a bowl and a half, I'm trying to cut back a bit as financially I'm kinda limited. A blunt would get me completely ripped, for a couple hours!


Well-Known Member
i ate way too much canna butter yesterday and can not look a joint or blunt in the face today. Shit i an still toasted.
Have some canna butter then quit or slow down.


Well-Known Member
When I have a sac a whole fat joint (no less than seven grams) and then bowl every after work right before bed so I can wind down enough to sleep I have trouble relaxing without something and unlike sleeping pills I can pop right back up the next day.

When the sac is gone one week minimum before the next one usually two or three. It just seems to make the next one better.

Now for parties it's cool to bake up a batch of cookies or something.

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
hahaha I agree with VV. If I got bud I'll smoke only 1-2 bowls a day if I'm alone. Less during the holidays cause I'm around family all the time. But when I'm around other people I'll smoke all day and not give a fuck!


New Member
I could smoke all day long, I just never have that big of supply. I would volunteer to sit in front of congress and smoke bongs all day long to prove it won't kill me. They have to supply the munchies though.......


Well-Known Member
You sound like my brother. He tells himself that he's not gonna smoke today, and ends up smoking or buying later on. You're conditioning yourself to smoke by telling yourself you're not going to. Just don't think about it. Fill your day up with things, and you wont think to smoke until your downtime. People who really don't want to do something simply don't do it. In retrospect I think people come down on themselves to hard for smoking.


Well-Known Member
Uhh... lets don't want to be a weedaholic so you binge weed to avoid it. That ..uhhh.. that makes perfect sense. Nothing smaller than 7 grams? and then I am out for two to three weeks? The song just hit me when I reread your post trying to make sense out of what you were saying. You cleared that up, thanx. VV


New Member
I like to smoke, I don't see anything wrong about smoking. I feel it's my right to sit here at my computer and smoke. I pay taxes (actually the taxes are jacked from me) therefore in my mind, I've purchased the right.

If I'm sitting in my home smoking weed, how it that hurting anyone else? The politicuans are still screwing us and the corporations are still stealing our tax dollars. The guys on capitol hill aren't injured one bit by me smoking.


Well-Known Member
Was that to me?

I'm sparing I don't want to do it loads every day then I'd be like an alcoholic only with weed.

It makes it more fun and special for me.
WOW, were alchoholics just with weed! forgive me for being very insulted. potheads dont get stoned and beat thier wife, crash thier car, or participate in random acts of violence. at the worst we fall asleep in front of the TV, miss our exit on the freeway, or eat up all the food in the house. i smoke EVERY day, run a moderatly successful business, raise a daughter BY MYSELF, and handle my shit!

You are a DoucheBag.


New Member
get 'em Slik, comparing pot smokers to alcoholics is an insult. I can smoke and NOT crash my car, I can smoke and NOT beat my kids, I can smoke and still walk a straight line. I can smoke and remember what I did last night. It's apples and oranges, no comparison can be made.


Well-Known Member
Was that to me?

I'm sparing I don't want to do it loads every day then I'd be like an alcoholic only with weed.

It makes it more fun and special for me.
With that mindset you should just quit altogether. Don't buy, Don't sell, don't grow, and don't consort with other smokers. Just do it if some dude is passing it around at a party. You come off as one of those self-loathing pricks who cries in front of the mirror whenever he smokes more than one bowl...Killing everyone's high and shit walking around talking about "I'm wayyy to high!!!".


Well-Known Member
WOW, were alchoholics just with weed! forgive me for being very insulted. potheads dont get stoned and beat thier wife, crash thier car, or participate in random acts of violence. at the worst we fall asleep in front of the TV, miss our exit on the freeway, or eat up all the food in the house. i smoke EVERY day, run a moderatly successful business, raise a daughter BY MYSELF, and handle my shit!

You are a DoucheBag.
....a hug. wow, I thought I was being harsh. He just doesn't understand his behavior, he doesn't have too, its the way he likes to do things. I am more inclined to follow your pattern, that doesn't make him a douche bag, just different, and probabl;y someone you won't be partyin with. Chill will, oh shit the hugs aren't there, now wtf do I do, maybe share a :bigjoint:. VV


Well-Known Member
....a hug. wow, I thought I was being harsh. He just doesn't understand his behavior, he doesn't have too, its the way he likes to do things. I am more inclined to follow your pattern, that doesn't make him a douche bag, just different, and probabl;y someone you won't be partyin with. Chill will, oh shit the hugs aren't there, now wtf do I do, maybe share a :bigjoint:. VV

He's a double thinker though. He thinks smoking weed is good and bad all at the same time. He needs to pick a side.