limp, sick looking plants


Active Member
hey all,

my plants are looking very droopy. they were in with my tomato plants in the vegie garden and i went away for a week. the tomato plants are so big now that i think they were blocking alot of the light getting to them. i have now moved them so they will get more light but im not sure if that is the only problem. do the bigger ones look too big for their pots? i need to put them in the ground soon so i didnt want to transplant them into bigger pots, then into the ground not long after coz i dont want too much stress.

here they are
tell me what u think

p.s- i found some snails eating some leaves - BASTARDS! so i killed them of course



Well-Known Member
Hi there,

Well from what you have discribed and the pictures you posted my opinion is that your plants have stretched from lack of sunlight so the stalks are a bit twisted and it sure looks like you have plenty of water in them. Maybe too much.

Im a hydro guy but I have seen a lot of soil grows and that soil looks too wet to me.

As far as the pot size I think your fine for now. Just get them in the sun.

I would yank the tomatos and plant them there.


Well-Known Member
it's overwatered. If you're watering until it runs off out of the bottom of the pot you're putting in way too much water.

And those poor things have stretched bigtime. Of course, it's past the equinox and near the solstice, so light's going to be scarce. Give them more light.