Limp Tops


Well-Known Member
I have been thinking that I needed to up the Potassium, since there hasn't been as much as I think there should be. (Don't ask WHY I thought that) And my thinking was confirmed when I PMed one of the gurus here.
SO. I went looking up potassium deficiency, and exactly what potassium does for the plant, and I found out why my tops flop around (kinda like a chicken with a broken neck. Not QUITE that drastic tho) Apparently weak stem structure is one symptom of K deficiency.
I cannot get a hold of any Kelp until Monday, and really don't need to feed for another 2 weeks.
Should I go ahead and feed the kelp (in tea form) next time I water, and then add each feeding? I top dressed today with 3 tbsp bone meal, and 3 tbsp guano per pot. I'll be doing it again in 2 weeks, and thats when I want to start adding the Kelp to my regimen.

Also, the kelp I can get here locally is somewhere around 0-0-3. OhSo told me about earth juice meta K thats 0-0-10, but I gotta order it online, And I aint real keen on that.
What to do?