Lindsay Lohan's F*ck U nails


Well-Known Member
Lindsay Lohan appeared in a California court room yesterday to answer charges that she violated her probation. Well, for those who don't know, the tabloid trainwreck was found to be in violation of her probation and was sentenced to 90 days in jail.:cry: Fast forward to today and all over the news are clips of Lindsay crying and begging the judge not to throw her in jail and saying she "respects" the judge and was "trying to do the right thing". The whole time, the has been child actress is sporting a nice manicure with the words "Fuck U" written on her middle finger nail!:-? WTF????? Anyways, I though it was funny as hell and had to share with you all. Enjoy!:mrgreen:



ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
thats awesome..i know a guy who has ENEMY in big bold black military type letters 2in tall tatted across his throat for the judges and police.


Well-Known Member
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
lol! That reminds me of this:


"It's a celebration bitches!":mrgreen: