Little Brown Beetles 3rd Encounter


Well-Known Member
Hi I've been using FFoF as my grow median. The other day I had found 2 brown little beetle looking things, they were on the ground and not in my case leading me to believe it was either a separate issue or fell out of the pot I had been working with.

Today I was doing some LST and as I was tying down I felt a tickle on my hand and it was another one of those brown little beetle things. I am not familiar with pests because I am a new grower. Indoor growing in a PC stealth grow. No intake filter

so it is possible for something to have gotten inside. I don't have a photo due to my intense anger that arose when I saw it and needing to decimate it and use it as an example to its kind. Can anyone shed some light on this issue? I already know

they are not root aphids or any type of aphid for that matter because again they do not look like an aphid but more like a tiny beetle.