Little brown lumps?


Active Member
On previous grows I noticed little brown lumps on the lower parts of my main stalks, they were round, smooth, somewhat shiny, and perfectly flush with the stem, hemi-spherical (about the size of an apple seed) almost like a tiny brown hard hat was stuck on my stem. They seemed benign, so I never worried, but I saw an article on pests and there was a picture of one, it said they were bugs but I have never seen them move and they just crumbled when I scraped one off, has anyone seen these or know anything about these?

Los Muertos

Active Member
Sounds like scales. They are bugs, but I think they just live in the little shell thingy so they don't really move. They seldom do any real damage unless they're severe. I'd just pick them off and squish them if possible. Hope eveything works out for ya.


Los Muertos

Active Member
that is gross.. i would CHOP THEM OFF WITH A RAZOR AND BE MAD as hell
LOL..yeah they're gross. I worked in a nursery for years and roses seem to get infested with those damn things.
Chemicals have almost no effect because of their protective 'hut' so the only other thing to do is squish 'em. A
job not for the faint of heart, but can be quite satisfying at the same time. Cheers.