Little white dots...

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
spider mites bro. I had em several weeks ago. Started off as little yellow specks, and spread over the course of a couple weeks until the plants were looking sick and stressed. Look for little tiny bugs about the size of a flea on the leaves. Also check at the base of the leaves where all the individual leaves come together. If there is silk or spider webbing then those are spider mites. I used a product called Azatrol. I sprayed them and immediately noticed a near 100% drop in mites. I was still seeing a few as of yesterday (i think they were dead. they were just sitting on the leaves on moving - even when poked around). But i've noticed no new webbing. The plants still looked stressed. I've been using the azatrol for a little over a week. I mixed it in a spray bottle and soaked all my plants in the first half of their light cycle. Then I sprayed them again the next day. Several days later I mixed another batch and gave them back to back days of spraying.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...look on the underside of your leaves....if you see tiny black spots, you have spidermites. I agree w/ guy incognito, Azatrol works great.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
ive only been using it for a little over a week though and my plants are still looking yellow and stressed. it APPEARS to have killed them, but im hesitant to give it my official seal of approval until it stands the test of time. just wanted to throw that information out there for people to make their own conclusions.

trichlone fiend

New Member
ive only been using it for a little over a week though and my plants are still looking yellow and stressed. it APPEARS to have killed them, but im hesitant to give it my official seal of approval until it stands the test of time. just wanted to throw that information out there for people to make their own conclusions. the past I've fought spider mites. What I did: spray w/ azatrol, come back 1 week later and spray again....make sure you get the underside of your foilage good. The 2nd spray will kill the eggs that may have made it through the 1st time. Once all is clear, apply neem oil to your ladies, every 3 weeks up until 3 weeks of flowering. Keep neem on your foilage as a preventative, all should stay bug free.