Living in the Deep South (USA)

Brick Top

New Member
Most still don't like yankies b/c of the Civil War,
In my part of the South it's referred to it as The War of Northern Aggression.

When it comes to Yankees, there's three types.

One who is born in the North and spends their entire life in the North, not even ever visiting the South so much as once ... that's a Yankee.

One who is born in the North and will from time to time, for business or pleasure, visit the South but always return to the North ..... that's a Damn Yankee.

One who is born in the North but then moves to the South, and stays ...... that's a God Damn Yankee.


Active Member
It is not a matter of choice by store owners or store clerks, you twat. It happens to be the law. If the beer had been sold to you and the wrong person saw or if you were a plant to see if beer would be sold, their license would have instantly been pulled.

"Where to Buy Alcohol

In counties where alcohol is legal, it can be purchased any day but Sunday.
You don't even know what you're talking about, shit head. The store right across the street from this "backward" gas station sells beer and liquor on Sunday. The gas station does not sell any alcohol on Sundays. The clerk at the gas station told me that out in the county, all stores have the choice to sell or not. The stupid bastard who owns the gas station CHOOSES to not sell.


Active Member
In my part of the South it's referred to it as The War of Northern Aggression.

When it comes to Yankees, there's three types.

One who is born in the North and spends their entire life in the North, not even ever visiting the South so much as once ... that's a Yankee.

One who is born in the North and will from time to time, for business or pleasure, visit the South but always return to the North ..... that's a Damn Yankee.

One who is born in the North but then moves to the South, and stays ...... that's a God Damn Yankee.
Why is it that every time I read one of your posts, I start hearing "Dueling Banjos"...Do you live in Tennessee? Have you ever seen the movie "Deliverance"?


Active Member
I'm close to same age as op and he is right.I've seen a lot of bullshit go down.
I lived in cali for 11yrs and i'd take that job.
I had to come back south b/c my father was dying of cancer now i'm taking care of my mother.

I've seen several KKK rallys and they were selling t-shirts with a KKK guy dressed in full rag . on the front with this printed on it.
"Boys in the hood"

I remember all the riots when they 1st intagrated the schools here.

People from the south are proud people look how they are attacking the op.
Most still don't like yankies b/c of the Civil War,they still fly the STARS AND BARS where i live.
This guy is right on. About 20 years ago, there was a KKK rally near where I used to live. In Tennessee. No shit.


Active Member
What a load of crap!

Ever stop to think that it was probably how your dad was raised so he was trying to pass his values and raising on to you? Not really anything to do with the South, just a personal conviction on what he thought was right.

The fishing thing was just another example of an expression of his morals and views, he wasn't speaking for the South in doing so.

It's not the South's fault that a preacher said what he said, it's his fault for not knowing what he was teaching better.

To be honest I can see where in that day and time the Church would think it was inapropriate to wear shorts to a Church outing. Again not an issue of the South.

You need to let go of things and just live life and quit making excuses about all this stuff, just because it was that way growing up doesn't make it anyones fault only you can break a cycle and make a change in your life.
Fuck you stupid mother fucker...It was not confined to just my dad or my particular church. There are some good things about the south, but not many. The south is still so backward and basically living in the dark ages. The best evidence for that is the high rates of obesity and the low IQ's; low scores in math and science. And sky high rates of teen pregnancy. And the number of first cousins married to each other.

Oh, and the stupid bastards (probably like you) who worship assholes like Dale Earnhardt...What kind of stupid assholes like to watch a bunch of spoiled rich white guys drive around in circles for 3 hours?


Active Member
You're probably right.

Why don't you find God's match for you on a Christian dating web site?
On second thought...and I REALLY mean this...why can't we all just get along?

Maybe we could all be friends?

Maybe we could express our feelings without someone calling us assholes?

Maybe we could realize that we should all stick together for the legalization of marijuana? Don't you realize that LEO LOVES pitting us one against the other?

Can we unite?

Oh fuck it. Go to hell, Brick Top!!! You stupid mother fucking, daddy sucking, sister licking, shit eating son of a fucking whore dog cum drinking house bitch!!! Fuck you!!!

But seriously, can't we all just get along? :)


Active Member
Yea, it's easy to pick on the South unless you're from here you dumb fuck. Matter of fact, my local laws ARE EXTREMELY lenient with marijuana, SO MUCH SO IT'S DECRIMINALIZED, but I guess it's fodder for you to say what the masses judge it by. Fuck you.
Hey you stupid shit head. I'm from the South, and I know what kind of backward, cousin-marrying, butt fucking, low IQ, Dale Earnhardt loving, sister fucking, daddy sucking assholes are around here. Shut the fuck up and go see a stock car race...and watch them drive around in circles for 3 hours while you worship them...and teach your 11-year-old daughter what a condom is...she'll probably need it tomorrow.


Active Member
It would seriously help, Wiley, if you refrained from all the hateful name-calling. cn
I know you're right about that. I was attacked by people for expressing my honest first-hand experiences of growing up in the south. I was told "Fuck you, asshole" by several people, and I retaliated against them with the same name-calling bullshit they dished out on me. I can be nice to people who are nice to me, and I can trash talk with anyone. I'd much rather be nice. But I return trash talk to those who direct it toward me. Never first; always in retaliation.

To those I've offended (even those who called me an asshole), I sincerely apologize. :)


Ursus marijanus
Is there anything to elevate your response from a pointed finger and an indignant "HEEEE started it!"?
The moral high road requires the effort of a climb. cn


Active Member
Is there anything to elevate your response from a pointed finger and an indignant "HEEEE started it!"?
The moral high road requires the effort of a climb. cn
Maybe you're right...but I'll tell you this...if any of those bastards who trash-talked me asked me for help (ANY OF THEM), I would help them any way I could.

Trash talk is just that - trash. I doesn't mean anything. I'd rather not do it...but I can do it as well as anyone if attacked...anyone who doesn't defend themselves when attacked doesn't command respect...

Peace and good growing to you, and to everyone here.


Active Member
Again, I implore you look up New Jersey law, and then I will ask you to SHUT THE FUCK UP about draconian shit you dumb, arrogant, judgmental fuck.
Fuck you, you stupid stinking flatuating butt-head dumb shit!!! The best part of you ran down the crack of your mother's asshole, and ended up as a brown spot on the sheet! And it cost your dad the whopping price of $25!!!...paid to your mother the fucking whore that she was (and still is)...Does her breath still smell of cum?

But I hope you and I can be friends one day. What do you think? :)


Well-Known Member
First off I live in not far from new orleans and the only kinda drink you can get on Sundays is beer or wine. Alabama is just a straight hick/method head hub. The racist is more lowkey in south Louisiana. So long as a white person don't walk in the projects you should be straight. Whoever said people from the south are some of the nicest people you can meet...till you fuck with us an the southern pride/craziness comes into play. Lol


Active Member
You guessed it!!! I have it!

Hope you're doing well today, Brick Top. But damn, I hear those "Dueling Banjos" again...


Active Member
You like goobers? It doesn't bother me any. Some of my friends are gay. I have nothing against gay people at all.

Peace to you Brick Top, and good growing.
I'm just kidding around with you Brick Top. I SINCERELY apologize for getting into a war of words with you. We both had our fun insulting each other. Now please accept my apology, and lets find common ground in the push to legalize marijuana. Seriously.

Peace, and good growing to you.


Well-Known Member
In Alabama, there are still stores that will not sell beer on Sundays. Recently, I was reminded of that when I brought a six-pack to the counter of a gas station on a Sunday, and the clerk told me in a very terse manner to put the beer back in the cooler.

^this is true,ive been there many times and they havent changed much in the past 20 years,the people are to conservative and anal retentive.