loan for growing weed?

ok im very stoned but i wanted to know what you guys think about by the year like... 2012-2014 it would be legal for like 18 or 21 year old people to recieve a loan to grow marijuana... idk like in cali or florida...



Well-Known Member
Sounds like a claim that guy in the green questionmark suit would make in that infomercial.
Secret government grants to start a professional grow op...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
only reason i can see for needing a loan to grow weed is if you're trying to suply a city, meaning you're a filthy little dealer :D so nevar!

i do see the logic in it though, to an extent


New Member
Erm, how big you thinking of going? I mean.... damn, your growing weed and even your bank manager knows it lol.... do it! Sell some shares in the "company" lol...


Active Member
Erm, how big you thinking of going? I mean.... damn, your growing weed and even your bank manager knows it lol.... do it! Sell some shares in the "company" lol...
Hells yeah! Just imagine the stock options...that's one shareholders meeting Id like to attend.

Who would make a better front man...Billy Mays or the Sham wow guy, I mean since its fantasy and all pretend Billy Mays is still alive and the Sham wow guy never beat up a hooker. Skill for skill, who would be better for this kind of corporation.

Fuck it, since its not real we can all ride fucking psychadelic unicorns with bongs for horns that breathe fire, have 24" spinners for hooves and have their nipples pierced, right? 3 Cheers for imagination!


New Member
Hells yeah! Just imagine the stock options...that's one shareholders meeting Id like to attend.

Who would make a better front man...Billy Mays or the Sham wow guy, I mean since its fantasy and all pretend Billy Mays is still alive and the Sham wow guy never beat up a hooker. Skill for skill, who would be better for this kind of corporation.

Fuck it, since its not real we can all ride fucking psychadelic unicorns with bongs for horns that breathe fire, have 24" spinners for hooves and have their nipples pierced, right? 3 Cheers for imagination!

Hip Hip Hooray!


New Member
IDK if you know this but weed is still VERY VERY much illegal in florida.
It's VERY VERY illegal all over america... its only state law that goes easy on medicinal users/growers

Your country [for some stupid, very american reason] thinks cannabis is more dangerous than heroin or cocaine....

explains alot dont it... cough cough george... cough.

and i cant see barak doing anything good


Active Member
You can gets loans in the state of CA for medicinal marijuana operations. I am currently a business parter, and we do everything by the books. We were recently talking to a lawyer who specializes in dealing with California's medical laws. This was a topic that came up for discussion, although it is nothing we need at the moment. You can have shares of your company, you can have shares of any company. I work under a business title that requires me to have a paycheck, benefits and a retirement plan. This is all unique to me as I am only 22 and this company is owned by me and one other friend. But it is ALL legal.