Local Law Enforcement Strategies


Well-Known Member
I'll agree in principle, but I don't, nor do I think many people will in reality. When was the last time you heard of some pussy that couldn't take his charge like a man turn around and set someone up who got a county bullet or less getting killed? Outside of upper deck drug rings, that kind of shit doesn't happen often, and talking hard on the internet doesn't do you any good. For the most part it works kinda like this:

1. you are a supplier
2. you supply to someone that isn't careful
3. they get caught
4. they give you up as their supplier
5. you go to court and deal with the politics and bullshit
6. you have signed affidavits from the person that snitched on you
7. you get the word out
8. like a viral video, the word gets around
9. snitches credibility is ruined, and nobody will associate with him again
10. you do your time like a man
11. typically they move out of town before you get out, if they don't...then you just have no contact with them

I'd be surprised if anyone that posts here was big time enough to turn a drug charge into a murder charge, probably not even an assault charge.
I'm so happy not to be in that cycle. I grow my own pot, I trim it and dry it and cure it myself, and then I smoke it. No buying, no selling, no criminal empires, no shady deals, no bad karma.
Just me and a high only as good as the work I put in for myself. :)

Besides, pot is too over priced to buy on the street, or get involved selling to compete against gangs. better to just sit back do your own thing and dont get involved in anything illegal. Oh yeah, i got a mmj card.


I'm so happy not to be in that cycle. I grow my own pot, I trim it and dry it and cure it myself, and then I smoke it. No buying, no selling, no criminal empires, no shady deals, no bad karma.
Just me and a high only as good as the work I put in for myself. :)

Besides, pot is too over priced to buy on the street, or get involved selling to compete against gangs. better to just sit back do your own thing and dont get involved in anything illegal. Oh yeah, i got a mmj card.
you have it all figured out don't you! Not all of us have that luxury to legally cultivate weed, if I had that option i would do it in a heartbeat! unfortunately for those of us living in non-medical states, we're forced to break the law to enjoy the things we love.


Well-Known Member
you have it all figured out don't you! Not all of us have that luxury to legally cultivate weed, if I had that option i would do it in a heartbeat! unfortunately for those of us living in non-medical states, we're forced to break the law to enjoy the things we love.
Hey I understand, i'd be pissed if my only option was to drink too. Don't hate because I happen to be born and live somewhere with at least some sign of common sense in their system.


Well-Known Member
dont use a contract phone, they store all the shit you send, buy a pay as you go phone and delete every message and you will be safe..


Well-Known Member
It's all part of the whole "preventing terror" in America. Which, don't get me wrong.. I'm Italian/American and I'm all for "keeping terror" away from this beautiful country... but I don't agree with them being able to "spy" on whomever they want to spy on. We as American citizens should have some degree of privacy. But again.. its all because of those ignorant brainless terrorists from 9/11 (and even terror events before 9/11) that has brought forth the governments "rights" to spy on anyone they feel the need to spy on.
Might sound foolish on a forum where illicit activity is freely spoken about and is the norm (myself included, I'm no better than you), but...my philosophy when it comes to the Patriot Act is don't have shit to hide and you don't have shit to worry about. By shit to hide I'm not referring to some plants, but referring to terrorist conspiracy plots. What I dislike about it is this new concept of "narco-terror" which they use the Patriot Act to combat. Law enforcement caught a huge break now that they don't have to do things the old fashion way.
It's ironic that they use use the fearmongering of terrorism to strip liberties and terrorize American citizens. The biggest threat of terror comes more from corrupt internal power brokers than anything external.

The terrorists won a long time ago...the day we bought into fear and sacrificed what was once held sacred in this country.


Well-Known Member
Hey I understand, i'd be pissed if my only option was to drink too. Don't hate because I happen to be born and live somewhere with at least some sign of common sense in their system.
Some of us are not so spineless...There is no option to weed...nothing that achieves its effects or taste. Its illegal as hell here in tx, but I don't know of many people that don't smoke around here. I speed to... eeewwww.....scary!:shock:!


Well-Known Member
jake's only strategy is to lock yo azz up fo' breakin da law. chances r they know who u r b4 u know them. the streetz is always watchin..remember dat and you might make it. but it sounds like ur a little shook about da police, so u might want to re-think whateva u tryin 2 do. if u eva been shook down 4 coppin' then u already know what time it is.


Well-Known Member
I think it falls into the whole "Patriot Act" that was set in place after 9/11.

the government pretty much has the "right" to spy on whomever they want.

It's all part of the whole "preventing terror" in America. Which, don't get me wrong.. I'm Italian/American and I'm all for "keeping terror" away from this beautiful country... but I don't agree with them being able to "spy" on whomever they want to spy on. We as American citizens should have some degree of privacy. But again.. its all because of those ignorant brainless terrorists from 9/11 (and even terror events before 9/11) that has brought forth the governments "rights" to spy on anyone they feel the need to spy on.

Once again though!! I don't agree with that part of the "Patriot Act".. but then again I don't have anything to worry about because I don't use text messages.. nor do I do anything illegal.. sooooo yeah. :)

....Illuminati na im messing hahahathats a good tactic.. going after info of people who change their number frequeuntly.. the only ppl I know who change their numbers a lot is this drug dealer guy in particular.. he told me cops were waitin across his street so he got a legal job and kept on DL for like 1 month. I text him saying "hey wassup man hows that job goin?"The asshole texts back saying "dont worry about it"What a dick. I wouldnt be surprised if someone snitched him out. he sells .7 for ten.. what a JIIIPI got my boy who gets an 8th for ten bucks...


Well-Known Member
I'm so happy not to be in that cycle. I grow my own pot, I trim it and dry it and cure it myself, and then I smoke it. No buying, no selling, no criminal empires, no shady deals, no bad karma.
Just me and a high only as good as the work I put in for myself. :)

Besides, pot is too over priced to buy on the street, or get involved selling to compete against gangs. better to just sit back do your own thing and dont get involved in anything illegal. Oh yeah, i got a mmj card.
Thats the way to do it man. kudos.


Well-Known Member
I'll agree in principle, but I don't, nor do I think many people will in reality. When was the last time you heard of some pussy that couldn't take his charge like a man turn around and set someone up who got a county bullet or less getting killed? Outside of upper deck drug rings, that kind of shit doesn't happen often, and talking hard on the internet doesn't do you any good. For the most part it works kinda like this:

1. you are a supplier
2. you supply to someone that isn't careful
3. they get caught
4. they give you up as their supplier
5. you go to court and deal with the politics and bullshit
6. you have signed affidavits from the person that snitched on you
7. you get the word out
8. like a viral video, the word gets around
9. snitches credibility is ruined, and nobody will associate with him again
10. you do your time like a man
11. typically they move out of town before you get out, if they don't...then you just have no contact with them

I'd be surprised if anyone that posts here was big time enough to turn a drug charge into a murder charge, probably not even an assault charge.
Yeah! i dont understand that.. if you were snitched out by a guy... did 5 years.. come back and 3 months later that guy was killed.. when they look into his record does it state he was a witness and than YOU pop up stating you recieved 5 years and you just got out 3 months prior to the 'incident'? and than YOU would be the first to have a knockin on the door even though you live a bit far from the scene of the Cr!me?
also remember that cops can get around entrapment by using paid enforments.
sorry to bump an older thread but i thought it was useful info.