Location trouble! Need advice please!


Here's the deal. Friend 1 who has housed the plants since day one has his dad over for two weeks. His dad got real suspicious when the bedroom door was locked and thought he was hiding something. Well he was; 6 plants at week 5 flowering under 400w of CFL. We realize the plants can't stay there, so we start brainstorming. This Guy From Work who just got his caregiver card said he'd look after them for 1/4th OZ of our crop for the two weeks. Since we don't know him that well, we explored other options.

Called up this other guy we know who at least grew once before with HPS & MH, he says he can't take them. Played around with the thought of transplanting to outside, but we're too concerned we'll be discovered while taking the plants outside or while planting them. Friend 2 says "ok fine, we'll just put them in my place, my sister won't care, whatever." His sister smells them the second she walks in the door and her boyfriend who's training to become a cop is outraged. The sister thinks we could hide them in the basement some how if we can control the smell and tell the bf the plants left. If he found out we lied to him, some serious shit could go down.

Checked back with This Guy From Work and he's out of town until Tuesday.

I'm worried this boyfriend guy is going to chop down our crop and throw it out but maybe he will understand if we tell him they'll be gone by Tuesday. Is 1/4th of an OZ too much to plant-sit for two weeks?

Any other good ideas??


Active Member
Wow.. dude.. about the boyfriend cop thing.. bail the fuck outta that deal fast.. thats not the way to go.

Either find a wardrobe box big enough to hold em, or wrap them in trash bags and take them to your car.. drive to middle of nowhere, plant. Mark gps. Go home..


New Member
Im lost on why they need to be moved in the first place, talk to the dad or something or just dont tell him? he is visiting so really what does it matter to him? anyway moving plants sucks, the days are long right now if you live in western hem so if you put em outside they might shock or start reveg but what can you do if you gotta movem really, take the lights with you and rent a hotel for a few days? lol I dont know man, there really is no good choice but to movem to another grow room which is already prepared, outside would be a last resort.

but really if your legal then who cares tell them fuck off lol


The dad is military and would not allow them. They're hard to hide in that condo because of the smell, plus the dad paid for the condo, he can go into closets if he wants to. The guy with the caregiver card wants 1/4 OZ. Yeah, the premature cop scares me a bit... lol


Active Member
Only thing scarier than a cop is a wannabe cop with connects.....they will do anything to climb the ladder!

Be wise and good luck!


Sector 5 Moderator
Deprave is right about revegging; the days are getting longer and the plants will respond accordingly if outside. The cop wannabe is your prime concern; you need to get those out of his sight / knowledge of where they are asap. Move them at night with a van or something. Put them in a box so if you get pulled over the cop can't see them. 1/4 oz is not much - unless you're growing autoflowers. :)


I have to keep updating.

We washed out the containers and did nutes today, rushed to move them all into the basement before premature cop got home, moved boxes infront of them, got the wires all set up and ran out the door. Twenty minutes later we get a call that as soon as he got home, he looked in the closet where they were and then immediately checked the basement where they are. Of course he's still pissed and said they HAVE to be out tomorrow! Lucky for us, This Guy From Work is getting back from being out of town tomorrow, so we will have to move them there.

I'm pretty sure This Guy is a total n00b. I've just heard him say with a MMJ card you can hold 2.5 oz AND your caregiver can hold 2.5 oz on your behalf. Wrong. It's up to 2.5 oz combined. He claims autoflowers go from seed to harvest in 5 weeks maybe even 4. Wrong. I'm worried he might try swiping a nug, so I'm going to write down how many there are lol. If we only end up with 2 oz, I really wouldn't want to give him a quarter. I'd rather offer him money for housing them. I mean he doesn't even really have to do anything and electric will only run him like $15 for the time they'd be there. Do you think it'd be fair to offer like $50? or more like $80? There's no risk on his part since he has a caregiver card.

We'll see how things go tomorrow. Can't wait.


Active Member
Dont be cheap, hes letting your babies live and grow to potential.

id offer him 20% of the final trimming(may keep his hands off the buds from pre sampling, or telling you to eff yourself when u wanna pick em up)

He have your lights also?.....dont want them stolen or kept also,lol

Good luck bro!


Sector 5 Moderator
Everything is negotiable. Offer him 20% like 18fan suggested; it's worth it. Just make sure he takes care of them and doesn't kill them with too much "care" and make it clear NO SAMPLING.