Locdawg Back Again!


hey yall its me locdawg back from the dead. well not really i just took a break from growing after my first crop burnt down. I'm here showing everyone that just because you fail once doesnt give you a reason to quit forever. with that being said im on my third grow now and am having some serious issues with my plants( most of the recent seedlings) they start out right but then something goes wrong. They start to wilt but not all over just in the middle of the main stem i will attach a photo to show you guys what i mean. its like the plant is getting thinner but only in the middle of the stock all the way until the plant kills itself. I have never seen anything like it. but it seems like i have been having a wave of bad luck since the first crop :(

anyways rant/reintroduction complete feel free to comment and help me figure out what the hell it is that my plants keep doing to themselves and how to stop it!!!!



Stay Faded!



just a but load of cfl's but im going to go to the store and pick up the 300 watt cfls i had my last good grow with. thanks for the answer to the question though. now that you mentioned that it makes sense. plant doesn't get enough light it stretches to look for light gets too skinny and long and keels over. do i have that right?


actually after about 6 hours of online research and diliberation i have figured out that my were plants starting to thin out like that be cause of the majority of the light they were receiving for growth was the 2700k light(i had 1/10 of the lights which were actually 6500K light) so they began to severely stretch. i thought to myself it couldnt be the amount of light ( At the time i had 14,000 total lumen's on em) so there had to be a better explanation for this. so i found similar searches online regarding my question and read up. seems that it has to do with the type of light i provided the plants. The cfl's that produce 2700k light happen to produce a light that excites the type of chlorophyll that is produced during flowering keeping the plant feed in a way that suposedly allows for more vertical growth much like what happens with plants when switching from veg to flowering. the 6500 produce the opposite type of chlorophyll which keeps the internodal spacing to a minumum producing some short squat plants (my prefered type of plant for my grow space). i realize now that even though i wasn't fully aware of what i did the first grow and the impact it would have(first grow I used the same 6500k 45 watt light to grow the 6 original plants for first month and half of their life, they reached 4 inches tall and had 6 nodes a piece.
(heres some pics of past crop so you can see what i mean plants were 10-12 inches tall 1st week of flowering

anyways to fix this I have gone back to replicating everything I did with my first and most successful grow. even down to the soil I used. right now I have three plants under 6500k 1750 lumen 45 watt cfl and i even went back to my mg soil for the start of the growth period so I dont have to feed just water for the first three weeks(almost idiot proof). then I can begin giving actual good nutes to the plant from then on after the succelent/ cactus stuff disolves out after 3 weeks as directed right on the MG bag. I will post pic of everything i have done and what I'm using. after the 3 weeks of veg under 12/12 light I will transfer then to their final life pots(9in diameter X 12in tall) once they have each atleast 3-6 nodes. at that time they will be fed foxfarms water soluble nutes until flushing, their soil will be then at that point switched to a cocoa coir and pearlite soiless mix as to keep ph level relatively nutral. I am replicating my first grow again because thats the way I learned and it has worked the best for me out of all the methods I have tried.
heres what I got so far!

Stay faded!


thanks bro much appreciated, i get so determined i try to do my best but sometimes ya fail. I'm hoping this one will stay on the good path (i.e not die!!! lol) and get all the way to harvest so i can enjoy the fruits of my labor. I mean lets be honest isnt that why we all do it to" enjoy the fruits of our labors"? anyways look at me rambling on im super faded right now what im smoking on tonight (northern light) has me glad that one of my healthier seedlings is exactly that strain, I love the way it taste so smooth and forest fresh super sticky too!!!!


Hey ya'll Locdawg here with another update. I have successfully nursed the little sickly ones back to semi decent health. although they're not out of the woods yet. they need to grow strong in the middle of their stems when the bent over at. but you wonder "Locdawg what way will you manage to keep these little ladies appeased and alive with their broken necks?" Oh never you worry for i have concocted a nice seedling supplemental vitamin b1 and other natural goodness cocktail *low dosage* (cocktail contains a little supper thrive about 1/4tsp to gallon, and a lil grow big around 1/4tsp too, and some brer rabbit pure unsulphured molasses a couple drops.... its not really meant for veg but i feel that since it is an organic product with pro-biotic micro organism remains in it that can only boost the good activity in the soil to help the plant fight of pest and disease and grow big and strong. thats my lil backwoods scientist idea or "theory" on it.

I learned to mix these three products when my grow before last had some sickly little brown plants and i mixed them up that cocktail just trying different shit at the time.I successfully fed them nutes while in miricle grow soil and all and they didn't get nutes burn and they bounce back. i thought alright mental note that worked save that trick for later.... anyhow its working now too ya'll saw my first picks of my plants on this thread a few days ago and the sickly one well heres where im at now. sorry for the shit quality of the following pics my phone is my only camera at the moment (2mp)

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those are now three healthy green baby seedlings about 7 days above ground... long story short had some issues with packing dirt to tight when covering seedling(i'm heavy handed sometimes) and so i had to go fish then out, and in the process broke off my northern light # 5 seedlings seed leaves before the first main set even grew on. I was sure the plant would die but after I hit it with the cocktail it bounced back a little too and has replaced its bean pole look for a new shiny set of first leaves!!!

thats my home made PC case grow box. couldn't afford the ones from that online company grow king or whatever so i just asked my buddy who own's an electronic store if i could have at some old used computer towers he had laying around. he said sure, so I brought them home and gutted them and tore apart the power supply too and took the 60mm fan out and used two of em for my exhaust and intake fans. wired them up to 5v cell Sanyo cell phone charger in series(of same power supply) I used card board and duct tape to make the templates for the intake boxes on either side where the fans are, and templates to cover up the panel where all the main boards and i/o boards inputs are in the back of the tower. now it looks a little more buttoned up and also the cooling efficiency of the box went way up at its peak the temp gets 80.5 F even when its 80 F outside and my house heats up fast in the summer. hoping to veg for about 2-3 more weeks at that time hope they'll all have many nodes (at least 3-6) and be 4-6 inch tall then flowering time... well they technically already are in flowering because I put them on a 12/12 from seed set up. but im still going to wait 3-4 weeks total "veg time" before I actually start counting flowering days and switch over to that nutes regimen.

PS: cant remember if i showed you guys my homemade glass piece with percolator a.k.a ash catcher so i added those pick in I like it, it draws well and has a pretty good capacity for smoke. made it out of a Pyrex type vase and 2 9mm glass down stems an old pill bottle(washed of course) and an old glass slide bowl. oh and last but not least a 9mm piece of clear rubber hosing. again didn't have the money to by the real deal so i fashioned up my own abstract version of an expensive (non throw away) piece mad from glass and assorted bits laying around. even had to drill the vase for the down stem hole. had to use a 1/2 in steel carbide glass drilling bit (go really slow and easy on the pressure if you attempt a build like mine) not responsible if you shatter the glass while in your hand and stab your self on accident so be careful!!!

thanks for chillin,


Stay Faded


I hate it when I type a whole effin novel of an update message and I fucking delete it on accident GD!!!!!!

1. adding 2-70 hps to grow in my flowering cab.
2.going to be shying away from growing from seed to expedite my grow process.
3. seedlings have grown quite a bit since you all last got updated, northern lights seedling isn't just a bare stalk anymore she grew leave after all had me worried after i broke off the seed leaves on accident! :-0

I'm doing an 8 step perpetual harvest that will take 2 whole months to get established every week for 8 weeks and every week there after I will be going to 1 of the many local dispensaries and buying 1 nice sized clone and bringing it home and placing it under my 24500 lumen setup 12/12. my goal is to get an ounce at least every week!!!! i hope 24500 lumen's will be enough to achieve this. I plan on doing no training like lst or any of that because I am too lazy and also afraid to hurt the plants and cause irreparable damage. so I will instead prune them when they get unruly and let nature take its course otherwise. by roughly july (mid to late) I should have my first 8 week plant ready to fly. this grow is to support my medicinal need nothing else so perfectness isn't a concern just rather smokable palatable bud is my desired results. and yes I am aware already that my grow isn't the most pro setup but hey it works and I have fun with it, and i have learned so much from it.... isn't that why we're all here anyways and to share our success's and failures?

come with me on this 8 week journey it ought to be fun!! oh yeah for the first couple weeks of life plant number one will only have roughly 12600 lumen's over it (9 sq ft space) will this be enough for one plant until me hps arrive? im going shopping for my plant number ones strain on Friday any ideas of a nice and easy strain to grow? I think I may alternate ever other week sativa/indica so i always have both buds types around ,their both good for different things.


Hey all locdawg again just checking in and reporting what i have going now.
as of today around 8pm i went and checked on my pants to see how they were doing and noticed three little sprouts poking out of the soil. so i grabbed my tweezers and gently eased the head of the shell coated seedling above ground. now totaling 5 young health plants just starting life out.

I then thought while looking at the grow cabinet i need to modify this a bit. so i grabbed my macguiver gear and got to work! I began by un bolting the top of the computer case. then I drilled a whole big enough for end of the socket plugin to fit through. now i have roughly 2550 lumens output about 1inch away from plants and I giving them both blue and red spectrum now the addition to the case was the 13w 2700k cfl putting out another 800 lumens. I know in the grand scheme of things this isn't a lot of light. but in comparison to my space (a computer cab 13"Lx7"Wx19"H) so its the equivelent in ratio to a much larger light in a much larger space... i mean where talking only (91 sq in area)

anyways the plants are coming along nicely now! and friday i get a large well rooted and established clone from mmd to be put into immediate flower stage!!!!
the clone will be probably 12" tall and have quite a few nodes. its going to cost me $25 but I okay with that because the strain is ak47 and its a rather nice producers and it will have a few weeks of growth alone in the 9 sq ft grow cabinet soaking up all them lumens. heres picks of what i got so far

check out all that blue and red light!!!

pic of the the seedlings the far back on the right is NL#5 bouncing way back

pics of my two older seedlings put in the dirt on 05-12-2011 forgot at the moment when they sprouted above ground though (shrug shoulder)
CIMG0043.jpgCIMG0038 (1).jpg

thats all I got for now so I guess I'm signing off now lol bed time!
work in the morning :(

thanks for stopping by


"Stay Faded" :joint:


Hey all,

Locdawg here just given you kind ladies and gents of RIU an update of whats been going on in my neck of the woods.

first up money been a little tight so i had to slow down the expansion plan i had for the Locdawg medical garden. I had planned to be building another cabinet or tent in my spare bedroom but like i said no go for now. with that being said here is what i can do without any money at all. 1 continue to nurse my little seedling gals to health and maturity. 2. take lots of daily or semi weekly pics to show my progress. And guess what I have nothing short of those two things on the menu for tonight for your enjoyment.

I have a host of standard def and macro shots to showcase the grow my beans have made into propper seedlings. on another note werewolf#5 is no longer with us couldnt get the little bastard to root so we're just dealing with four plants now 3 werewolf, and a NL#5.... should still be a good turn out as the werewolf are all girl more than likely as the are feminized and the NL#5 also is but thats always a guess only in flowering will we truly know.

lastly I do have a question for anyone with experience in non HID grown weed. What I want to know is what is a good amount of lumens I would need to produce to suffice 4 adult plants in a 9 sq ft home? remember i grow mine really short so height isnt my concern, just want a rough estimate as to how many lumens is enough to produces four plants with for proper bud.

thanks in advance for any responses I sure am getting lonely with all these lookie lou's and no one actually responding to my post... so come on dive in folks i promise i dont bite!

pics update!!!!


"Stay Faded" :joint:


Looking good. I think we are about the same stage mine sprouted like a week ago. You just giving yours water right now. Keep the updates coming


kinda a mix of both the MG soil that the seedlings start out in has roughly 3 weeks of feeding in it much like FFOF, but i still feed healthy servings or what I call my seedling cocktail(grow big, super thrive,and a little organic molasses. I just do it in light dosages like 1/2 strength flushing every other watering to avoid fert build up in the soil currently dont have a ph tester mine craped out so i am just extra careful for the time being.

thinking about adding some light to the computer veg cabinet, but I have only 60mm fans in there for exhaust intake so i have to be careful. maybe ill add another 26w 1750 lumen in there see if the temps remain at a decent level.


what sup all,

Locdawg here on this fine memorial weekend kicking back chief in on some GDP! and given ya'll the updates of the plants daily growth. here where they are today as of 1:00pm pacific time. I did decide to add another 26watt cfl with 1750 lumen output. thats now a total of 3500 lumen's in a 1sq ft area!!!!

two smaller seedlings are my werewolf strain, and the bigger one of the 2 largest is also werewolf, the 2nd largest is NL#5. Don't they all look healthy and getting along well?

as soon as i get the money i am adding in some 32 watt t8 ( not as good as t5ho's i know) but hey they're cheap. and i will have a nice 700watt cfl and t8 grow. my plan is to buy about 8 2 light 4 ft t8 (8 bucks a piece) and put about four vertically in my flower cabinet and then the remaining up top and then the cfls surrounding each plant.

pics of ideas of how i'll setup my flower cabinet
1_vertical.jpgpossible grow.jpg

so theres what i got for today a, a couple of macro (closeups) of the seedies and my setup ideas check out a comparison between my last update pics and today the seedlings have certainly grown.

thanks for stopping by,


"Stay Faded" :joint:


hey RIuppers,

Locdawg here just got a few things to update. loc's been busy Macgyvering stuff again. In my memorial day weekend boredom i built this to be used for flowering in the intermediate time between saving money to rework my large cabinet.
I have 2 140mm case fans for intake and exhaust(exhaust on top center and intake bottom back wall I even built some induction boxes like i built on my computer case grow box. here's four pics of the new case!!!!

heres a shot of the big cabinet I dont think I have posted any on this thread before. going t5ho's (shooting for between 45k-60k lumen's) thats why i built the 2ft cab, for while i wait i can still flowering some plants gotta have that bud!!! :hump:

heres the growth that I got out of the seedies in one day from my last update.

werewolf's 1,2, and 3
oldest being the last with more growth

few more pics for shits and grins.

BTW I posted a much longer and more enthusiastic post earlier but my GD internet cut out and deleted the post so this one is a short one, for I am a little annoyed!!! lol oh well no use crying over spilled milk.

thanks for checking out my grow folks,

"Stay Faded" :joint: im off to burn one down!!!


okay so I have had major grow feaver again here real recently... I mean just look back at the recent surge in my post. Also on a side note I see all of you at least taking the time to check my post out and have a look see , and i just want to say thank you for that! any how back to what I was saying I have had bad grow fever for the simple fact that I know that growing enough bud this summer to last me all this coming winter is my impending goal. but why else would I grow beside the cost effectiveness of growing over buying out of a dispensary? I believe because I not only need it to remain not i'll (my disease) but I also enjoy the effects of it. so sometimes while not tending to the garden I get all Macgyver inside and feel the uncontrollable urge to make simple invention's that replace the need of buying likewise brand name items. today I had that urge and this is what i came up with....A vodka bottle....6in piece of plastic hose...extra glass bowl I had laying around.


yes it is gehtto, but fuck it works just like a nice $150 glass gravity bong bought up out one of the head shops near you. here's what it cost. 1. $5 glass bowl 2. free vodka bottle from an alcoholic friend of mine(thanks bro you know who you are!). 3. a free piece of plastic hosing. and lastly a $12 glass drill bit, which really couldn't be counted into this cost analysis because it was perchased well before I decided to build this. anyhow if you must here is the grand total***** $17.00 HELL YEA!! I'll take it a homemade rendition of an otherwise expensive apparatus!
EDIT: I almost for got 5th and final part needed to make this gravity bong. a small roll of electrical tape( which you can clearly see in the pic's) had that laying around can't cost more than $2 bumping total price to ***** $19.00 :hump:
Disclaimer: I am a medical patient and this apparatus show is meant to be shared with likewise patients. I cannot be held responsible in anyway for production of this piece if you aren't within the guidelines of your local and state laws. with that being said you might want to do this in the bathroom or kitchen as there is over a liter of water that will come rushing out and you dont want to clean a mess ;)

Allow me to show you how it works

1st you would walk up to it and grab it off the shelf like this100_2116.jpg

2nd you would want to fill it up with water holding it like it stand on top of the table.the you will put the top back on and turn it in your had till it sits up like this.

3rd you would of course fill the bowl with your favorite smoke!!! Oh Yea! and then you will (while still holding it like in step 2) twist of bottle cap and allow water to begin dumping which will in turn create suction and the you cal go about light the bowl and wallah!!! you will have an auto drawing gravity bong that will allow even the weakest of the breathe person to take it to the head like a champ.

4. final step now go about pulling the bowl out and set it aside. then turn bong in hand (think of a chillum see pic below) and begin drawing the leafy goodness out and let it ease its way down softly into your lungs... and thats how its done!


PS: plants have already swelled a little in size since last update this morning!!! no spoilers so i'll see you later on this week when I have time to hop on the net and update... until then peace and peaceful smokes.


Hey all,

Locdawg here just checking in and letting you have a nice little daily update. here's where the plants are this evening after 14 more hours under the veg light. This time when I say explosive growth I mean explosive there is on average 2-3 more baby leaves that weren't on the plant yesterday. check this out






and now heres the final pic just a overview of all four plants I have been keeping the light about 1 1/2inches away from the plant tops sometimes two inches seems to be working pretty well no burning or anything like that im pretty happy with this grow thus far. anyways thats all I got for you today. probably wait a few days on the updates so that I have something more substantial to update next time.

thanks for stopping by,


"Stay Faded" :joint:



hey Riuppers,

Locdawg here just giving ya'll another update. I plan on doing these updates long enough to get this thing turned into a journal. I got some great update pics of the growth from the plants. I moved the light (currently 1-26w daylight cfl 1750 lumens) up about 2 inches above the small canopy. it seems to work wonders because heres what I got.

werewolf#1.jpgwerewolf#1 side view.jpgwerewolf#1 topview.jpg


werewolf#2 topview.jpgwerewolf#2.jpg

werewolf#3 topview.jpgwerewolf#3.jpg


NL#5 top view.jpgNL#5 side view.jpgNL#5.jpg

a comparison bewetween last two pic updates growth

previous update pic


tonights update pic

all four babies.jpg

I am super excited to see how things are going with this grow. I have advanced my techniques and knowledge a lot in the few short months, feel like im starting to get the hang of this growing thing.
got my three seperate cabs built and ready to go soon enough Loc's medical garden will be on perpetual grow status Boy I cant wait.
due to heat concerns locdog plans on using either t5's,t8's,or t12's I found that walmart has a new lighting section and sells the fixtures for about 10 a piece. I swear i looked all over that damn store last trip and never found the fluro's. anyways they are there now and sunday this coming weekend its on like donkey kong... you'll find Locdawg getting all macgyver again, and his flower cab will be up and going again only with upgrades(possibly a total of 600 cfm air circulation system, and 42000 lumen's 460w). found some extra cashola I forgot about so I now have the money needed to get the flowering cab all worked out.

HID lights are not up for consideration nor t5ho's simply for cost and or heat concerns(to buy enough fluro lights from HTG to produce 30k lumen's it would cost at least $150). out of the two provided forms of light what would you ruippers recommend (T8's,t12's)??? lastly I will probably buy like 5 of these lights at walmart one to produce the right amount of light needed to do a decent sized grow and because $10 a light... well thats savings I can take to the bank. and the to put icing on the cake I will also have the two 70w hps's going on the tops of the 4-6 plants in the 12 sq ft flowering cab( my estimate was wrong the other day when i said the cab was 9sq ft) that was wrong math and a bad assessment of the space as my cab dimensions are 2 1/2ft wide x 4 ft tall x 4.5ft long

let me know what you think opinions would be greatly appreciated. oh and uh seriously over 200 views and no replys or +reps or anything??? where's the love guys?


"Stay Faded"


Well-Known Member
good looking plants mate. hows your temps? all you have is one light? youre gonna need at least 3. same wattage and lumen, but just more of em. 1 light is not enuf lumens for three plants, theyre greedy little things. i dont know nuthing about t5's becaus i choose not too. I like my cfl's . you can get them close without all the heat issues of HID lighting. plus, shits cheap to run. post a pic of the enitre cab!


thanks Kid creole. yep just one light in that cab i have three growing spaces though if you go back to previous page you'll see my post explaining my cabs and what not and a full size pic of each of them. the computer case that i grow in is to start the plants out on their journey... not for finishing, for finishing I.E flowering i am going to be using over 40,000 lumens to get good buds. heres is some pictures of where the plants are at as of tonight.

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they are all starting to grow nodes inbetween their nodes. I have one plant coming up on 30 days above ground(since it sprouted) going to start flowering it here on friday the 10th.

i am also planning on doing 3 side by side test for nutes and their importance to making smokable herbs. i plan on growing one of my flowering plants with out flowering nutes at all. one with just mollasses and one with full line of nutes. i want to see the results with the end product.

one wedsnesday I will go on my day off and finish building my large flowering cab. thingking between 5-6 double light bar t12's or t8's for the side light and maybe 2 over head. going to try to grow the first plants with just fluro's and then next time add the hps's in (70w hps) if necessary.

let me know what you think so far guys really appreciate all the interest in my grow. hope this one goes well.

"Stay Faded" :joint:

Mort Fink

New Member
Why didn't you make a bigger box for flowering or just buy a tent for 60 bucks? Are you gonna tie the plants down cuz they will probably get too big?