Lol wtf


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA this seedling is a trip. Is it a mutant? LOL. Same plant had one undeveloped white cotyledon. Strrrrrange. (plant is about 2 weeks old).



Well-Known Member
I would say it could be a mutant or the seed was damaged during germination or before. That is not really a sign of nute burn or over/under watering or any nute deficiency.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply! Are mutants worth growing? Do they produce the same quality of bud at all? Never grew one, or really even heard of the term until recently.


Well-Known Member
yeah dont worry not all the leaves will come out like that, may be just a few, dont trip i have about a few with that on there. but their like 3 1/2 weeks into flower


Well-Known Member
yep i dont have pictures of the leaves itself like that but i have a sweet picture of my room


Well-Known Member
Just like InsaneMJ said, I would keep growing it and odds are it will straighten itself out. If by chance it doesn't after a few weeks then it probably isn't worth growing.


Well-Known Member
my experiance with mutants have always been great.....they have actually turned out to be some of my best plants. they take a little bit more work...but if you have the time .....why not?


Well-Known Member
lol, im sure that its ganna be fine dude. i have some white widow, and 1 of the leaves on it has 2 parts coming out on 1 set, its kinda hard to explain ill show ya instead.



Well-Known Member
:joint: sometimes they develop in some great plants and another time they stop growing. if you have enough room just let it grow and good luck :peace:


Well-Known Member
I put a GDP seedling under some artificial moonlight during its 6 hours of dark and it mutated. Got two reallly fat leaves come out, but im flowering it now, and its got thicker branches than my trainwreck, quite bushy too.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. I do have the time, and I will let it live, why not. LOL. If it is a mutant, so be it. It is putting out new leaves as we speak (see grow journal in the next few days for pics) that look "normal" so to speak. Maybe it will be some killer diller shit in a few months! Never know! HAH!


Well-Known Member
yep, dont sacrifice a good plant over 1 or 2 disfigurements lol, who knows they can be the next super pure og purple shiva widow lol


Well-Known Member
Cameltoe weed
P.S. good lord, you have long fingers.

lol, im sure that its ganna be fine dude. i have some white widow, and 1 of the leaves on it has 2 parts coming out on 1 set, its kinda hard to explain ill show ya instead.



Junior Creatologist
I had a seedling that didnt produce cotelydons at all - n then i had one plant that didnt produce her coltelydons until the third leaf set - it was one of the first plants i ever grew. Her milk leaves literally grew out to be full size and were green thick and leathery. That was the first plant i ever planted though, pre-RIU, so sorry no pics on that one, lol - i ended up killin her anyways though - i wasnt ready to be a grower yet ;)

Keep your baby alive man, you wouldnt want a supermodel to ditch you because you got a mutant deformity that you were born with, would ya?? lol :D


Well-Known Member
Guess she is turning out okay after a rough start! LOL! Took this today, added it to the grow journal. Far cry from the original picture post! Got a Satvia on my hands, lol.

