Long Term Plant Care


Well-Known Member
I want to grow this summer, but i am going to have trouble getting out there when i need to, so is there any way i could grow so that i wouldn't have to visit the site everyday. I have seen wick systems and earthboxes, but what is the best thing for an outdoor grow?


Well-Known Member
Well, you could use big pots, that would cut down on the need for watering. You can also get these self-watering spike things, never seen them used but I'm interested. Capillary matting is also suppose to work well. In a few weeks i will only be able to visit my plants once a week max, I'm gonna need to figure out a way to make them semi-automated as well.


Well-Known Member
I am not growing until summer, but whatever you figure out, make sure and share the knowledge and let me know how it goes


Active Member
I want to grow this summer, but i am going to have trouble getting out there when i need to, so is there any way i could grow so that i wouldn't have to visit the site everyday. I have seen wick systems and earthboxes, but what is the best thing for an outdoor grow?
Growing outdoors is easy. Plant where other weeds grow BIG. No hauling in dirt & water. Pre dig some holes - animals are attracted to freshly dug dirt - after the last frost punch in some starts & give them some fert. Check them in a couple of weeks & make sure they aren't getting choked out by other weeds. Ck. them a couple of times in july to get the males out & give them another shot of fert. Ck. them a couple of times when they are flowering & when they are ripe, chop & enjoy. Going to ck. your plants all the time is the quickest way to lose them to animals or people. I've been growing for 30 yrs. & have never hauled dirt or water. If the other weeds grow big where you plant, so will yours. They are just weeds!


Well-Known Member
yeah you can use like water crystals, they hold alot of water, you can mix them into your soil, they work pretty well.


Active Member
plant vclose to water sources as long as there arent alot of plants no one should find them just remember dont plant in a pattern dont leave materials behind and dont get greedy police look for patterns close to water sources and keep it small "out of site out of mind"


Well-Known Member
thanks again to everyone, keep the tips coming I am for sure going to start a grow in a couple weeks, i have a home made earth box i am preparing Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Make sure your holes are big enuff 3'X'3X3' at least. I put in spagnum moss to hold water.Works for me. And all the stuff tcmike said ,I try to stay away fromthe patches as much as possible ,the more often you visit them the more likely they are to dissapear. A couple of times in the spring, once in the summer and a couple of times in the fall. We grow in damp spots so they self water. Goodluck.


Well-Known Member
I want to grow this summer, but i am going to have trouble getting out there when i need to, so is there any way i could grow so that i wouldn't have to visit the site everyday. I have seen wick systems and earthboxes, but what is the best thing for an outdoor grow?

isnt this the hole fucking point of growin outdoors dude u dont have to do shit its a damn plant cmon now
thats why soem inside some outside some people llike to have to bullshit everyday wiith there inside plants and some people like to set it and forget it


Well-Known Member
isnt this the hole fucking point of growin outdoors dude u dont have to do shit its a damn plant cmon now
thats why soem inside some outside some people llike to have to bullshit everyday wiith there inside plants and some people like to set it and forget it
no the point of growing outdoors is to produce the most bud possible because you have an ulimited grow space, and I dont plan on going out there that often i just want to set them up as best i can