Longest you've ever slept...

Pedro de Pacas

Active Member
What's the longest amount of time you spent sleeping off a night of smoking joint after joint, and ripping one bong hit to the next? I'd say 12 hours for me...


Active Member
whenever i smoke up this one dude i know, he always tells me the next day how he went home and slept like 15 hours ha


Well-Known Member
I had a night with my friends where we burned straight through 3 days with an ounce each, just constantly smoking and munchin, lol I was passed out for 18 hours. My friends had supposedly kicked me and threw me around yet I was stone cold asleep, woke up refreshed like never before.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
20 Hours... after taking my MCAT... Took an aderral the morning of it and it kept me awake till the next day around noon. Definitely crashed hard after that.


Well-Known Member
Hell if I know. I never timed myself, but I'd estimate probably around 15 hours. Drank ALL day in the sun at the river, smoked, got sun burnt, passed out until I HAD to take a leak and drink some water. What an awesome day that was....can't wait to do it again someday! lol


Well-Known Member
I slept for 19 hours, not straight though I would wake up and piss then go back to sleep often.......but never woke up for more than a piss.....

Like 3 days ago lmfao


Well-Known Member
Over 20 hours nonstop. Meth is a hell of a drug.
One of my friends had a similar experience, and he still lived at home at the time (with his parents I mean). Apparently, he was up for 3 days, crashed for more than 24 hours, his mom came in worried why she hadn't seen or heard him up, and tried to shake him awake and slept right through it. She ended up calling 911 thinking he might be dead or whatever and when they showed up and finally got him to wake up, they said, "Have you been doing any drugs?" His response...."NO! Now get out of my room and let me be!" Needless to say, they didn't buy it, but he somehow weasled out of it that time. It DID catch up with him later on thank God though, and he finally got away from that shit. Fuckin' horrible life destroying drug!


Well-Known Member
One of my friends had a similar experience, and he still lived at home at the time (with his parents I mean). Apparently, he was up for 3 days, crashed for more than 24 hours, his mom came in worried why she hadn't seen or heard him up, and tried to shake him awake and slept right through it. She ended up calling 911 thinking he might be dead or whatever and when they showed up and finally got him to wake up, they said, "Have you been doing any drugs?" His response...."NO! Now get out of my room and let me be!" Needless to say, they didn't buy it, but he somehow weasled out of it that time. It DID catch up with him later on thank God though, and he finally got away from that shit. Fuckin' horrible life destroying drug!
Same wtih me, I was up for 3 days. I never really got that strung out on it, but I was using on and off for a little over a year and lost the only girl I ever loved because of it :cry:


Well-Known Member
Same wtih me, I was up for 3 days. I never really got that strung out on it, but I was using on and off for a little over a year and lost the only girl I ever loved because of it :cry:
Same here, but it wasn't me that did it, but her. Completely changed everything about her and couldn't put up with the lies and bullshit anymore. Even after she got off it and out of college (she claimed she used to it to help her study- lol!), the damage was beyond repair. Felt like I had 3 1/2 years STOLEN from me.


Well-Known Member
^ u cant get hooked on that horrible shit if u never try it
at first I tried snorting, I liked it, but never did it again until I saw some friends smoking it. I figured, hey, I snorted it and didnt get hooked on it, smoking it cant be that much different. The clouds just looked so cool I had to try it, and I was pretty much hooked right after.


Well-Known Member
I dont think I've ever slept more than maybe 10-12 hours ever! Now I have stayed in bed for a few days sick sleeping on and off.


Well-Known Member
I know ive slept for 12 but I dont think ive ever slept any longer than that. I wake up every morning up the crack of dawn. Doesnt matter when I went to bed, as soon as I see light im awake.