Look At This Drug Bust!!!!


Well-Known Member
k so i was on ebaumsworld.com earlier today and i found these pictures of a drug bust, and all the money that they found in this house, i would have to say its bout 80 million bucks there...i think it is a rediculous amount of money! and why would they not have stopped by now??? who honestly just stacks money in their house????



Well-Known Member
the reason they stack money like that is because banks will only insure up to $250,000 anyway. so if a robbery occurs, they arent liable for anything past that amount. also, using foreign accounts are subject to taxing and any electronic deposit or transaction will leave a trail of evidence


Active Member
the reason they stack money like that is because banks will only insure up to $250,000 anyway. so if a robbery occurs, they arent liable for anything past that amount. also, using foreign accounts are subject to taxing and any electronic deposit or transaction will leave a trail of evidence
So what do they do with it just pile it up for fun ? What could they do with all that money just pay for expensive items with cash ? wouldn't that be suspicious anyway ?


Well-Known Member
If you made 80 mill, would you want to stop?
It sounds easy, but i think if you made that kind of money you
would want more.

Money changes people no matter what anyone says.



Well-Known Member
it was not in the us,

merely cache of almost worthless american currency.
We print more and more junk bill out our mint every day