Looking For Dank Personal Stash Cali GENETICS Cali GENETICS Cali My Friends


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Mostly Canna bar a few pieces
Nursery/Veg Tent

So here we have a Kali Dog Clone
And in the dome to the right 2 x Cookies from seed just popped
Clone/Bonsai Tent

So this tent is not at mine but I have access 247 so il use to keep plant numbers down by housing bonsai moms and my spare clones ect in here it’s running t5s
Flower Room

So here’s my flower space first up will be the 2 cookies that have just sprouted the Kali clone will go to the bonsai tent when I have her abit bigger and potted up il use her clones for next run
Only ever want two plants in here wher I live il chop then get clones to veg as they hanging the 14 days ect ect so ever only 2 plants in my house I need good meds man my first grow in ages


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My Homemade Domes

So I’m low on space and every time I had a prop in my tent the space was a issue so I screw and bolted some saucers to raise of floor for heat issues and also left the holes in bottom of pot to allow little air escape they work reall good and ovs he half a bottle holds heat reall good had same results in these with rapid rooters than I did with my aero


Well-Known Member
Clone/Bonsai Tent

So potted this Kali dog clone up today from its first 4 inch pot to a 5 inch pot and fed 2 mil Vega and 2 mil Rhizotonic very indica Dom this strain very small manageable plants last time she was flowered she reached just below my weist

Nursery/Veg Tent

So potted the both cookies up I usually go 4 inch to a 7inch to a 11litre or bigger this run I’m using 7 1/2 litre pots so I’ve gone strate in a 5 inch and only potting up one more time to final pot fed 2 mil Start and 1 mil Rhizotonic
One of the cookies hasn’t opened cots yet other is ok seen it before I’ve had em not open for days I have a plan b if she doesn’t either plant another cookies or run a Kali dog next to her so not panic stations yet and once these are in the cupboard il concentrate on my new flower space it’s gonna be wher my clone tent is but it’s gotta be cfl as can’t have the fans blasting ect I’m thinking il go as small as I can get away with I only want a oz or 2 from it any advice greatly appreciated


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Clone/Bonsai Tent


This was about half hour after first clones took I have trimmed her before but never had clones of her this the Kali Dog RQS fed her 2 mil Vega & 2 mil Rhizo last few feeds before cuts been water only
This was before I got two nice clones could have had four but I only need one so only took two
If you see my past grows your no I trim my moms serious I like to think it’s bonsai style with abit ocd but you’re notice I alway treat moms same no matter size they all get trimmed the same
I will spray with nityzyme in a few days when she grew back a touch

Nursery/Veg Tent
So here with have the cookies and a clone of my old plant Bruce Banner she be in prop a couple days now was gifted this strain back witch I’m happy about I have never flowered this beyond week three it stretches lots looking forward to having her as a mom
Cookies 1 day 10
Cookies 2 day 10

These are so different very slow witch I was hopeing for as it was only thing I remembered from running them last is that they veg slow well the dank pheno does so can’t wait to pot up and put in flower cupboard fed Start 2 mil Rhizo 2 mil
Bruce Banner #1



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Germination Area
Bruce Banner BSB Genetics

She looks ruff but it wernt a clone I took she was small and his other are in aero wher she came from and have not rooted yet gotta love the domes and the cubes man old school she gonna go to bonsai tent as soon as she put the woods lol potted up today 4 inch pot she will be a mother god she Stretchs
Bonsai/Clone Tent
Kali Dog

Sprayed her with nitryzyme yesterday after this pic was took haven’t seen her today and the clones I took from her have rooted witch is a bonus she a good stinky girl so far

Took veg space away as I don’t need it I need the germaination area at most only need to start seeds and establish clones here for the bonsai tent and seeds for my cupboard to keep numbers down il start fresh seeds when the two in cupboard are chopped as il dry in ther also so about 14 days head start under the t5 I have another plan for the old veg tent

Auto Tent

So this will have a auto in a ten litre pot under 200 cfl 247 light no dark trained just using lst want a oz is all

these are bigger now I have no new pic been hella busy and light was off when I jus whent also these are going In black 10 litre pots two cookies


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Germination/Early Veg 24/0 48w T5
2 x Kali Dog Clones

These will be rooted very soon next day or two These are going in two litre pop bottles and hanging from both sides of cupboard with the cookies I jus wanna c what ther like don’t want lots from them just to c what they like as I have the mom as a bonsai she taking shape now and the clones stink like literally stink

Bonsai Tent 18/6 72w T5

Here we have a Kali dog mom and the Bruce banner clone it’s rooted but looks bad but wasn’t my cut so il save it anyhow It was my genetics tho I grew from seed ages ago all my clones flowered on accident timer set wrong so I was gifted a cut of my friend who had a monster verged the clone I gave him about 3 months ago so so far in the library we have a Kali and a Bruce room for one more mom I think maybe a gorilla next or maybe somethink else i have seeds but I’m ordering some autos so might aswell grab some fems why I at it I need mainly indica the Bruce is completely opposit to what I after she a stretcher but wow I think she could be special only flowered her a few weeks before about four she was a true sativa I tell ya

Auto Tent 24/0 200w Duel Cfl

Looking for a oz min every run

250Hps CupBoard Currently 18/6
2 x Cookies

So these two the same age ones way bigger but I really looking for the slow one to be fare but il clone both when they bigger fed yesterday first Vega 2 mil and 2 mil Rhizo all seems fine today the right one has a tiny tip burn on one leaf as I say it’s the left one that’s the star trust me


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Veg Space 48w T5 18/6

Two Kali Dog Clones one will go with the two cookies to flower other will go to mother Tent and just sit ther a while I might mainline and train jus for the sake of it

Mother Space 72w T5 18/6

One Kali Dog Mom thers room for 3 Bonsai moms in here hopefully ther be a cookies in here after the harvest il decide this Kali dog so stinky like real dank she ment to be sativa Dom but this pheno defo more indica than describes il read up more on her later

Flower Space 250Hps Currently 18/6

These the two cookies il add a Kali dog as soon as one roots and pot up to 11 litre smart
Pots 3 in a row see if I can get six ounces of the 3

Auto Space

So I got a pack of autos coming a 3 pack if all 3 pop il grow em all the more the better ther be under a cfl a 200 minimum might be a 300 Duel
Ther be in 11 litre smart pots also


Well-Known Member
Mother Space

Fed after this pic 2 mil Vega 1 mil Rhizo
She looks real healthy an she stinks

Flower Space

I’m gonna pot these up today Two cookies il get a extra pot might do a Kali in the middle I’m guessing itl up the yield abit if they all trimmed nice


Well-Known Member
Mother Space Kali Dog #1

My 1st miniature mommy now I’ve kept mothers for years but the lack of space at my new property means small veg small mom spaces and I always Bonsai anyhow jus on a bigger scale so I kinda c the logic in these small plants like I can fit 3 atleast in my tiny 60x40x60 space Witch is all finished now
Nursery/Veg Space

Changed it up a bit il be flowering 3 at a time so made it easy and simple and added a chalk board as my memory very bad to much bud all I gotta do is get a prop lid for my bigger tray and put in on space above light and a new fan il get in morning then this space finished also I have Kali clones still they should be rooted il stick one in middle of the cookies and veg a little longer till I Clone the cookies
Flower Space

The cookies both looking dead healthy ima pot up tomorrow


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Nursery/Veg Space

Finally finished switched light out for my mother/Clone light so as I can do all veg here pot up put in flower two days veg Under hps then switch il veg 3 and pick best two for flower would love to fit 3 in my cupboard but it was jus to close togeva the two are perfect the one I don’t use il clone and do summit with her I have two Kali dog clones and I’ve put a critical in to germinate today after soaking for 16 hours I’m going to do a micro flower space for the Kali dogs and the critical I just wanted to c what they like I’m constantly getting them as a freebie so I’m finally trying one

Flower Space

Two cookies both potted up yesterday at day 22 today is ther 23 day alive I have topped and trimmed bottom growth next I will clone and trim again before the switch
Fed weak solution ov Vega and Rhizo will up the feed over next couple weeks I want these dry by the end ov September