Looking for HO tubes with strong 485-520


Well-Known Member
Although I was very impressed with my first grow using a Quantum Bay Boy T 5 (8 bulb model) using their Q 2900/6500 bulbs, once I started reading that the Green spectrum is important in an LED thread, I wanted to know how much Green my 2900 Q bulb provides.

Such basic information isn't on their site! I wrote them, and was told it should be up by Friday and to check back. REALLY? Of course they need to get it up, but if it is available, why wouldn't they get it to me ASAP?

So I googled T 5 HO 54 watt bulbs. A bunch of resellers, but not much useful info. I then googled light spectrums (ditto), then i tried... think of how you might google it and I probably tried it. 3 hours later, I give up. So now I'm here...

First did you know that green is very important to chlorophyll A/B production? And that by having a proper ratio of Green (485-520 nms) that your plants will grow faster and yield more? Me neither until a couple days ago. True or Untrue? Dunno, but it sounds good.

Since my BB has 8 bulbs, I can simply buy a couple 'Green' tubes specifically in the 485-520 nm range to compliment my mix of 2900/6500s and do a grow. Or can I?

Finding what the mfgs color spectrum is for their bulbs isn't easy, and IMHO it should be a part of every lighting mfgs sales pitch.

So feel free to chime in with useful info


Active Member
I'm unsure as far as to the green spectrum of LEDs, but I know for a fact that the green spectrum (a.k.a. green light) for fluoros does nothing. In fact, these are used in grow rooms so that you can still light up the room during the dark cycle. Check the description: "The green spectrum allows the grower the luxury of grow room illumination with out disrupting the flowering light cycle." The green of cholorophyl means that it reflects the green color. This reflection means it isn't absorbed, and no energy is produced from this color. Hope this helps