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But you have to be honest . have you ever had a female sprout like this lmao my other two are making leaves this looks like the top of a male


Well-Known Member
Nothing about that seedling at this point looks male because you can't even tell at this point. And yes I've had female plants that started off looking different than others.

These were all planted at the same time. Same strain from the same pack of seeds. Notice the one on the bottom left? It ended up catching up with the others. So don't worry about seedlings looking different. It's not a sign that it's male or female. None of these seedlings look exactly the same. You can get a lot of variation with plants grown from seed.

Yea I germinated them all at the same time and that just flourished the best after it got it’s first leaves lol , I was gonna rip it out but I’ll let it grow some more since it’s still to early to really tell