Looks like we might lose another child.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I do not have children of my own, but I have step kids.

The ex-wife is a druggie, her oldest son (not blood , but we tried to help) died of a overdose. Daughter #1 died from mixing drugs and alcohol.

Daughter #2 just called today highly upset that daughter #3 called and bitched that #2 wouldn't take her and her son/our grandson to the dope man. She doesn't have a car and needs rides everywhere on someone else's dime. I hear it went like this, 'you don't care about us, you are too selfish to give us a ride (to the dope man), you're a piece of sh!t for a sister.' and hung up.

#3 has been on hard drugs most of her adult life. Our grandson has been in and out of jail for as long as I can remember. She's a piece of shit for a mother, he basically raised himself.

I worry that they know where we live. They have no morals at all, just like their mom and grandmom. She was busted selling coke out of her home with the grandkids over.

The divorce court gave her custody and ex-wife raised these kids while she got, get this, $300 a week (back in the 80's) in child support and friend of the court would do nothing about her behavior.

Now the one and only daughter that has pulled herself out of the gutter is crying about her sister, because she says that #3 will kill herself.

This family has had enough of death. We have told them that they are welcome here but they have to leave the bulls&*t behind.

I know there isn't anything we can go and posting here is just a relief valve for the moment. The worse thing to happen to this family is his ex.

My husband never did drugs. And didn't consume brownies until his back gave out (they help the muscles relax). We don't understand the draw of hard drugs. We don't understand taking your son to the dope house either. I have thought that she sold herself for drugs. no proof.

The one that should have died along time ago was the ex.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Nothing like the Toke 'n Talk to put ones own problems in perspective!!! I feel your pain. I have a daughter who is a true POS. (She was behind my bust in '10) My mother is raising her own grandchild. They won't give me custody for obvious reasons. She has run escort services (with REAL skanks), sold dope, lives in the ghetto (She speaks 3 languages, and had one of the BEST of early educations), is a CI for the cops, and is just in general a real piece of shit.
She had this baby just because she wanted another child. Her ex has her 3 boys. No thought about how she would provide for the child, or what kind of environment the child would live in. Sometimes I pray for death.
I'm so sorry for you, but there is really nothing YOU can do, except watch and agonize.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I know what you mean. I married a man much older than myself. I am 9 years older than his first born. I come from a family that doesn't drink, smoke-cigs or mj, etc. So this was completely new to me.

The day Karen died a piece of light extinguished in my husband's eyes and it has never returned. Almost over night this vibrant he-man turned into a very old man that needs me now more than ever before.

The way she died was just a horror show. Karen had problems with her liver and was taking drugs to (I guess) boost it. Karen and her mom went on a bender for about a week at the ex's apartment even though they knew Karen shouldn't. Her mom passed out and while she was out Karen hemorrhaged and bled to death from the mouth. The doctor said she was aware of what was happening to her. Her mother knew Karen shouldn't drink but pushed it, was passed out and couldn't help or hold Karen as she passed over.

The next month the ex's best friend OD'd on pills and died in her apartment, too. She lives in a subsidized co-op. Living on our dime.

Thank goodness the youngest one who actually lived with us has turned out to be a good dad and provider for his family and makes them the center of his life.

Nothing like the Toke 'n Talk to put ones own problems in perspective!!! I feel your pain. I have a daughter who is a true POS. (She was behind my bust in '10) My mother is raising her own grandchild. They won't give me custody for obvious reasons. She has run escort services (with REAL skanks), sold dope, lives in the ghetto (She speaks 3 languages, and had one of the BEST of early educations), is a CI for the cops, and is just in general a real piece of shit.
She had this baby just because she wanted another child. Her ex has her 3 boys. No thought about how she would provide for the child, or what kind of environment the child would live in. Sometimes I pray for death.
I'm so sorry for you, but there is really nothing YOU can do, except watch and agonize.


Active Member
I do not have children of my own, but I have step kids.

The ex-wife is a druggie, her oldest son (not blood , but we tried to help) died of a overdose. Daughter #1 died from mixing drugs and alcohol.

Daughter #2 just called today highly upset that daughter #3 called and bitched that #2 wouldn't take her and her son/our grandson to the dope man. She doesn't have a car and needs rides everywhere on someone else's dime. I hear it went like this, 'you don't care about us, you are too selfish to give us a ride (to the dope man), you're a piece of sh!t for a sister.' and hung up.

#3 has been on hard drugs most of her adult life. Our grandson has been in and out of jail for as long as I can remember. She's a piece of shit for a mother, he basically raised himself.

I worry that they know where we live. They have no morals at all, just like their mom and grandmom. She was busted selling coke out of her home with the grandkids over.

The divorce court gave her custody and ex-wife raised these kids while she got, get this, $300 a week (back in the 80's) in child support and friend of the court would do nothing about her behavior.

Now the one and only daughter that has pulled herself out of the gutter is crying about her sister, because she says that #3 will kill herself.

This family has had enough of death. We have told them that they are welcome here but they have to leave the bulls&*t behind.

I know there isn't anything we can go and posting here is just a relief valve for the moment. The worse thing to happen to this family is his ex.

My husband never did drugs. And didn't consume brownies until his back gave out (they help the muscles relax). We don't understand the draw of hard drugs. We don't understand taking your son to the dope house either. I have thought that she sold herself for drugs. no proof.

The one that should have died along time ago was the ex.
I don't really like putting my personal past on here, but it really sounds like you need the help. I used to be a heroin addict for about 8-10 years of my life... And what saved me was my family, who was always there for me, let me know I could trust them and would get me help when I was ready... They stopped enabling me too. Stopped loaning me money, even though I paid it back, stopped giving me rides when I needed one. Stuff like that. But they always let me know how much they cared, and always told me how they would help me when I was ready. They let me know they weren't going anywhere and would help me even if it was 20 years down the road. Just be there for them... And be patient. Don't offer money, and groceries, and rides and stuff... But always offer your love, and concern. It's up to them to quit... But at least they know who they can turn to when enough is enough for them. Their family, the people that should be there.

When the time comes, just be ready to drop everything to help them, cause it sometimes takes a good long while. Calling rehabs, helping them while their sick, among other things. Hope this helps!

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Thanks for giving me a small light at the end of the tunnel.

Have to say that we do give them food and used to give them money. The money stopped when they didn't pay the rent. I'm afraid to see #3 in case she looks like death warmed over. I guess we should stop the food too. It's just so difficult when you love them so much.

Well, everything will change soon. We decided today to move to Fla full-time or at least 3/4 of a year. The doc has said my husband will live longer if he doesn't do another winter. He has a bad heart, too. We will be too far a way to be a real easy touch. Hopefully.

I don't really like putting my personal past on here, but it really sounds like you need the help. I used to be a heroin addict for about 8-10 years of my life... And what saved me was my family, who was always there for me, let me know I could trust them and would get me help when I was ready... They stopped enabling me too. Stopped loaning me money, even though I paid it back, stopped giving me rides when I needed one. Stuff like that. But they always let me know how much they cared, and always told me how they would help me when I was ready. They let me know they weren't going anywhere and would help me even if it was 20 years down the road. Just be there for them... And be patient. Don't offer money, and groceries, and rides and stuff... But always offer your love, and concern. It's up to them to quit... But at least they know who they can turn to when enough is enough for them. Their family, the people that should be there.

When the time comes, just be ready to drop everything to help them, cause it sometimes takes a good long while. Calling rehabs, helping them while their sick, among other things. Hope this helps!


Active Member
I know what you mean. I married a man much older than myself. I am 9 years older than his first born. I come from a family that doesn't drink, smoke-cigs or mj, etc. So this was completely new to me.

The day Karen died a piece of light extinguished in my husband's eyes and it has never returned. Almost over night this vibrant he-man turned into a very old man that needs me now more than ever before.

The way she died was just a horror show. Karen had problems with her liver and was taking drugs to (I guess) boost it. Karen and her mom went on a bender for about a week at the ex's apartment even though they knew Karen shouldn't. Her mom passed out and while she was out Karen hemorrhaged and bled to death from the mouth. The doctor said she was aware of what was happening to her. Her mother knew Karen shouldn't drink but pushed it, was passed out and couldn't help or hold Karen as she passed over.

The next month the ex's best friend OD'd on pills and died in her apartment, too. She lives in a subsidized co-op. Living on our dime.

Thank goodness the youngest one who actually lived with us has turned out to be a good dad and provider for his family and makes them the center of his life.
this made me smile your a really good person your always there when he needs you the most,