losing ur bong and accesories


Active Member
heres where to post about stories of you losing your bongs or weed or them gettign stolen shit like that

Heres my story :

i had a glass mini bonza bubble bong
it was great because it was easy to hide and pulled really good.

First the conepiece got lost the guards get sick of us smoking weed and drinking in the school at night because they allways get complaints form noise so we were sitting down i had my cone then watto goes holy fuck someones coming so i thought he was fucking around because he always does it.

Then they all run i thought they were kidding
Then a guard comes around the corner and puts his light on me i fucking shat myself and grabbed the bong i bolted down the oval and the conepiece flew out of the stem i didnt realise till i met up with watto that i had lost it then we just used my bros pipe to smoke the rest of the weed.

Then the next morning watto ditched the bong in the school because i thought school went back in 2 days then i went there in the bushes at the school in the morning to try find it but it wasnt there wed fuken lost it!!!

We were all so devastated that had been through so much a true loss to our group.

Here was our bong i didnt get it from the site i got it from the tobbacinist near my area but its the same one


Got the new ceramic one though its a ceramic yoda
great bong too.

Now post some stories of how uve lost ur bongs or been chased by cops and all that stuff out.

Bong on!!!!!!!!