Lost a game of Texas hold'em and have to do my bet


Active Member
We were playing Texas hold'em last night for over six hours.
I was the only female and ran out of money after two hours.
They let me keep playing but said I had to post a pic of myself
in my new bikini as a result of losing. All of the people playing
poker post here. Here's my bet payback. Hope you enjoy.....
couple of hits and I have courage!!!!



Active Member
I wish I knew their user id's to know if they are on right now or not.
They wanted me to post topless but I said I probably would have to
smoke a whole lot.



Active Member
It's an Excursion.....same thing. I don't even know if my husband
remember this part of the bet.....his friends reminded me this morning.
gotta pay-up I guess. My hubby isn't gonna be very happy


Active Member
I had three vodka/redbulls at lunch and then came home and smoked
two joints. Probably not in the best frame of mind to be posting.


Well-Known Member
He would only be mad for a few minutes. Just shove those lovely orbs in his face and He'll forget about it.:twisted:


Active Member
I'm probably easily convinced and I'll post one as long as
I know you can't save the pics posted here. I don't think you can, right?