Lost everything on RIU for the last 2 months?


Active Member
So anyone have an issue like this? All my posts, started threads, journal entrys, likes recieved and reputations all dissappeared either today or yesterday from the last 2months. I have nothing since mid january.... anyone ever have this?


bud bootlegger
yah, go to the support section of the site and check out the thread started by admin titled, data lost or some shit like that and it will explain everything m8..


Well-Known Member
Well that explains that, Did PM's get deleted also?
I delete all my PM's so dunno...
But since Random PM's from the past month or so, Magically re-appeared in my in/out boxes.. Im guessing theyll be back.. Cause this means that RIU stores all of our PM's after we delete them..
NOT COOL..../\


Well-Known Member
Shit happens. It sucks. I have admin sites for years. Attacks, Poed ex employees,etc:cry:

Heck says I'm a stranger again..:wall: