lost power during flowering??

So I lost power lastnight for a few hours... I'm on week 3 of flowering and it shut off a few hours into lighting but came back on a few hours after will this shock my plants????


Active Member
^^^yep agree. On this grow, I've had several interruptions of the light schedule and my plants don't seem bothered. I think some strains might be very sensitive.

As I understand it, MJ plants care about the length of the dark period, not the light period. If the light goes off and they are in darkness, I shut the light off until the next scheduled 12hrs of light. That way they will get a very short light period but a long dark period.

Pat Man

Active Member
its all about the dark period, MJ is scared of dark cause that means cold and winter are coming so its time to get fat as shit and reproduce...thats what they are thinking.