Lots of bad news for Denver..


Well-Known Member
So I am hearing lots of bad news coming out of Denver.. DEA just raided 27 grow houses (I heard they were all 25 lighters or more)

The cup gets shut down.

The DA is saying school suspensions and violence is at an all time high..

Then some lab blows up in New Mexico, so now fuckers are questioning BHO labs safety shit..

Can't these damn cops finally just admit they have been defeated?
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Well-Known Member
Lol Denver just made being homeless illegal or some shit..

Guys this is what happens when you let goofy liberals run a city..

You get your dogs taken away, you can't own firearms and now you can't stay here if you're homeless..

Real progressive :roll:

But hey pot is kinda legal...

Coming to a city near you ;)
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Well-Known Member
Yup, this is why I don't let anyone play with butane in my house. I like my face the way it is!
Sure but these guys were just being foolish..

But don't get me wrong I still am very aware of the dangers.. Shit is bound to happen sooner or later..

I've literally ran 1000s of cans in my life.. I guess all it takes is static electricity..

But luckly noone gets seriously injured in most of the accidents..


Well-Known Member
Anyone else think that they had the Collum in like the worst spot, all that room and they put it where the door can knock it over obviously these arnt Heisenberg grade chemists where talkin bout
Also sounds like they are using a heat gun to make fake shatter.. But hey whatever works..
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Well-Known Member
Fake shatter hmmm never heard of it is that what the kids are making these days, I haven't made hash in like 6mths so I'm not hip to all the new stuff going on
He says its fully purged in the description but you can tell it's not by the dish he is holding..

It's not fake but it's definitely not what I want

That video kinda let the cat out of the bag.
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