loud exhaust fan


Active Member
is there anyway i can make something to put on the exhaust fan to make it allot quieter? im trying to keep the cost of the grow down because i dont have very much money at the moment but the fan is really loud and im just wondering if anyone has any ideas to help me keep the noise of it lower? ive looked at buying silencers for the fan but they are expensive id just like something temporary to lower the noise any help would be appreciated!!


Active Member
Wrap it in pillow stuffing if you can. If its mounted to something solid, isolate it with rubber bushings so it doesnt transfer vibrations.


Active Member
what do you mean pillow stuffings? like a pillow case or like foam?
He means "smother" it with a pillow. That will quiet it down. And he said if you have it mounted to a solid structure use rubber bushings. I had to take mine down from being mounted. I sat it on a cardboard box with a towel underneath it and now it's real quiet and no vibrations through the floor.