Love's First Grow - 600w MH/HPS - 3 Juicy Fruit


Well-Known Member
Well I got that pH to drop.... all the way down to 3.5

Broke out the pH up and we'll see what we got in 20 minutes. Well at least I know it works...
Good to know it works but be careful doing that excessively. The combination of acid and base creates unnecessary salts in the water. Really the less you mess with the pH, the better. Get it within 5.5-7.0 and you're good.


Well-Known Member
Got one dialed in right around 6.3
Got one like 3.8 3.9
Got one like 7.3

Doing one last check tonight around 1030 giving it like an hour since it was last adjusted and we'll see what we get. Is 20 minutes after adding up or down enough time for it to mix through? My pumps circulate a lot of air through, 2 gal per minute @ 20 minutes is 400 gallons in a 5 gallon bucket. It seems like its getting circulated plenty but I'm just double checking.

On the plus side all the plants are looking very green now. The leaves that were yellowing are getting some color back and the new growth looks nice and bright green.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you have so much bubble action that the mixing is done almost instantaneously. I don't wait very long before checking the EC or pH.

Do you have an EC meter or are you going to refill your buckets every week with fresh solution?


Well-Known Member
Got 2 of them right around 6.1 6.2 which I'm pretty pleased with.
Got the low one up to 4.3 at last check and hit it with another dose of up for the night.
I'll see where we're at in the morning.

No EC meter, I'd planned to just do fresh buckets each week. I'll look into one though


Well-Known Member
Got the pH dialed in and the plants look like they're pretty happy.

I gave them a little LST action this afternoon.

Re did my CFL clone/veg'ing rack. Got the bulbs adjusted right and recessed the DWC pool. Next project to black that bitch out. Took pics while it was clear so you could get a feel for it. I've got more racks that I can add in between the base and the lights. Each one is like 6 inches so I can raise the CFL's 18 more inches if needed. I can also add up to 4 bulbs per power strip. I plan to add 2 bulbs every time I add one of the 6 inch spacers onto the rack. This will get my seedlings/clones just tall enough before they roll into flower.

Let me know what you think!



Well-Known Member
Yeeeeeep. Getting 3 new clones next week sometime, gonna flip these to 12/12, so I'll get that tub blacked out before then.

Found some pretty sweet clones being advertised on Craigslist believe it or not....


Well-Known Member
Well the ladies are definitely growing. I see a bunch of new growth too since giving them some LST.

I gave them week 1 strength nutrients on Wednesday and they greened up nicely. I see them starting to yellow a little bit again and starting to purple. Is it because they're bigger than a week 1 plant would be and already consumed all their nutrients? Or are they just starting to get hungry for their next feeding on Wednesday?

Here's some pics. Look at all the new leaves!



Well-Known Member
They look hungry to me. The yellowing leaves shows N def and the purple stems show P def. This is where an EC meter would come in handy to know what is going on with the nute concentration. You may have a really hardy strain that wants more than Humboldt suggests.


Well-Known Member
They look hungry to me.
Yea that's what I thought! I think it's just that at a "real" week 1 they'd be much smaller. I just went with week 1 strength because it was my week 1 of using Humbolt. I think plant size-wise they're probably closer to week 3 or 4 and would enjoy that dosage of nutrients more. I'll hit them with another week 1 strength which should last them til Wednesday. Then I'll bump them up to week 2.

Heard on the PPM meter, that would really end this guessing game.


Well-Known Member
So I changed a bunch of shit up. My tent heating system was barely working and as the plants grew it became unusable.... so I moved the grow. It now resides in the furnace room and the temp is right at 76 with the light on. The room is big enough that I can use my space heater to keep the temp from dropping below 70. Also I got the light way closer to the plants than I could have it in the tent with the ventilation I had. I've got a 250cfm fan in the mail that I'm going to exhaust the light with so I can move it even closer.

Also got the veg closet set up. The DWC CFL rack is in there along with 2 fans. Got the tub blacked out and everything running to do a temp check. It's been temp'ing out closer to 80, might have to put my 110cfm fan in there to keep air moving enough. I noticed when I put DWC in the big tent that it dropped the tent temp. Not sure if it was adding the 15 gallons of water to the room or what. I don't have any water in the CFL rack yet so I'm going to add that and see if I can get some temp drop.

I'm getting 3 clones for it on Tuesday. One of each of these: Skunk #1, Hawaiian, and White Widow x Trainwreck. Super stoked!

Here's pics:
1-5 are the new flower room (when I start flowering later this week!)
6 - veg closet with the DWC CFL rack
7 - DWC CFL rack with reflector on



Well-Known Member
Also realized that I had mixed the first batch of nutrients 1/4 strength. I added enough for 1 gallon and didn't multiply by the 4 gallons I had in each reservoir. So I added the rest of it after they moved and they're starting to green back up again.


Active Member
great journal!!
awsome job on fixing all the little things you should have some beauties in no time.

ventilation is gonna be key for you in that room. i know my furnace room collects dust like no other. so definatly keep the air circulating.

im sub'd


Well-Known Member
I've got a 3 site CFL DWC set up then (3) 5 gallon DWC buckets under the 600w MH soon to be switched over to HPS. So 6 total sites, 3 veg, 3 flower. Gotta stay within the CO legal limits! And gotta love DWC!
I honestly gave up on pH meters. I'm sure there's a great one out there, but I prefer the solution. It's accurate, and makes me feel a bit like a chemist, or mad scientist.. :)


Active Member
lol ya jeff i rock the solution as well
it is kinda fun playing with the colors too.
i had to test my urine...... who wouldnt lol


Well-Known Member
Haha testing the urine... why not!

Thanks for the input guys. I'm snagging some of the solution today as well as another bucket to use for changing reservoirs (which will happen later today). Colors are pretty basic, even I can handle that!