Low budget soil to start...


Active Member
Will my girls die? I germinated them in a paper towel, then I put them in a small pot filled with plain old topsoil and some perlite, about 15% I would guess. I just couldn't swing organic soil, but when I transplant outside I'm going to use that - will they be okay their first month? Or did I already screw up from the get go?


Well-Known Member
what kind of topsoil? from your back yard or from a store? if its from store then thats completely fine many people use this all the way through there grow.


Active Member
Awesome guys, sounds good! Thank you for the info...

And yeah moxtox, at one point they couldn't be fucked with, but now, who knows? They're old and probably don't give a shit about anything other than green and putting out barely decent solo albums. M.E.T.H.O.D. man, I wish they'd put out another group album.


Well-Known Member
i think they should keep smokin up and stay away from the music industry lol. just my opionion. but shit thats way off the subject