Low cost, No maintenance, Long Vacation cloner?

I'm going on a trip in a few weeks for 21 days and would like to come back to rooted/vegging clones instead of having to start from scratch(seeds or new clones). I didn't do anything to my diy clone bucket in 10 days besides observe.

I see a lot of people use those lowes black and yellow totes as a main res or dwc chamber. I'm thinking about filling one with 20 gallons of water @ 200ppm~ and using my pump and spray bar in that.

One real 125w 6400K cfl + Cap high temp cut off just in case.

A dual outlet air pump and 2 air stones just in case the water pump fails.

Throw all this in a DR80 tent with an inline fan.

I have time to try this out before I go, but I have to get my ass to lowes soon. Has anyone had any experiences with anything similar? Any tips? I can't see how this would fail. It's more then 4 times the volume of the bucket and I'm only asking it to go double the time without being touched. I should come home to plants ready for flower.
I wouldnt suggest it, what if it leaks? Power failure? Electrical short due to wiring in the house or overloaded circuits?
Wait to clone when you come back and get a better calendar.
The line is 2 years old and a 8ft run from the main panel 12 awg. Nothing else is runs on it. I had an electrician put new lines in for everything each pc and tv have their own breaker. The bulb is no hps in heat but I could go T-8's... but I have ran the 125w in the DR80 with no fan without problems. I just let the heat rise out of the roof vent. The room is a basement so all the water would run to the sump hole, but I do agree that a leak is my biggest chance for failure. I would spring for a cooler.