low odor strain


Well-Known Member
northern lights #7 smells like sweet lavender a little bit...... the sensi star smells like spicy bubblegum... the purple kush like honey suckle lost in the breeze..... grape ape smelled like dirt the whole time... guess thats what your after?

grape swisha

Well-Known Member
northern lights #7 smells like sweet lavender a little bit...... the sensi star smells like spicy bubblegum... the purple kush like honey suckle lost in the breeze..... grape ape smelled like dirt the whole time... guess thats what your after?
great response..can you list some breeders for each strain?


im not impressed with weed that dont have a smell or a lack of smell you should get some stank ass strains, and grow them out proper with carbon filters. to me stank ass weed is a must


Well-Known Member
im not impressed with weed that dont have a smell or a lack of smell you should get some stank ass strains, and grow them out proper with carbon filters. to me stank ass weed is a must

All these strains have a very potent/pungent aroma (which carries over into the taste.... but they don't necessarily smell precisely like the stereotype "skunk" weed, and can blend somewhat well with other fruit tree and flower aromas. I have personally grown them, and other riu members have smelled/smoked them and can attest to their potency and pungent aromas. Less detectable..... I have a carbon filter.... never use it.... my place smells good all the time ;)


All these strains have a very potent/pungent aroma (which carries over into the taste.... but they don't necessarily smell precisely like the stereotype "skunk" weed, and can blend somewhat well with other fruit tree and flower aromas. I have personally grown them, and other riu members have smelled/smoked them and can attest to their potency and pungent aromas. Less detectable..... I have a carbon filter.... never use it.... my place smells good all the time ;)

how can something have a pungent potent aroma but be low odor?


Well-Known Member
how can something have a pungent potent aroma but be low odor?
because its outside and blends in with other natural scents...... lavender has a pungent/potent aroma, but is a low odor plant..... wild mustard is also a pungent and potently aromatic plant that has a very high odor...... Bay leaf tree has a very pungent and potent aroma, but is low odor..... mint is too but is high odor.... it all has to do with the way the particles dissipate into the rest of the lower atmosphere...... wind and other aromatic plants help as well..... if your weed plant smelled like honey suckle in the middle of a honey suckle patch it would be more dificult to detect and thus have a low odor, especially with the wind carrying it around dissipating and blending the smells together.... Purple Kush smells like a decent blend of apple blossoms and honey suckle flowers....... even blends well with lavender or any other sweetly scented plants or flowers (though Sensi Star blends even better with the lavender than the PK)........ guess you have to experience it to understand......


Well-Known Member
i gotta dissagree
po⋅tent1  /ˈpoʊt
nt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [poht-nt] Show IPA

Use potent in a Sentence

–adjective 1.powerful; mighty: a potent fighting force. 2.cogent; persuasive: Several potent arguments were in his favor. 3.producing powerful physical or chemical effects: a potent drug. 4.having or exercising great power or influence: a potent factor in the economy. 5.(of a male) capable of sexual intercourse.

1490–1500; < L potent- (s. of pot&#275;ns), prp. of posse to be able, have power; see -ent

d&#658;&#601;nt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [puhn-juh
nt] Show IPA

Use pungent in a Sentence

–adjective 1.sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell, as if by a penetrating power; biting; acrid.2.acutely distressing to the feelings or mind; poignant.3.caustic, biting, or sharply expressive: pungent remarks. 4.mentally stimulating or appealing: pungent wit. 5.Biology. piercing or sharp-pointed.

1590–1600; < L pungent- (s. of pung&#275;ns), prp. of pungere to prick. See poignant, point, -ent

m&#618;&#331;, -&#712;w&#603;l-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [oh-ver-hwel-ming, -wel-] Show IPA
Use overwhelming in a Sentence

–adjective 1.that overwhelms; overpowering: The temptation to despair may become overwhelming. 2.so great as to render resistance or opposition useless: an overwhelming majority.

1565–75; overwhelm + -ing 2


v&#601;r&#712;&#688;w&#603;lm, -&#712;w&#603;lm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [oh-ver-hwelm, -welm] Show IPA –verb (used with object) 1.to overcome completely in mind or feeling: overwhelmed by remorse. 2.to overpower or overcome, esp. with superior forces; destroy; crush: Roman troops were overwhelmed by barbarians. 3.to cover or bury beneath a mass of something, as floodwaters, debris, or an avalanche; submerge: Lava from erupting Vesuvius overwhelmed the city of Pompeii. 4.to load, heap, treat, or address with an overpowering or excessive amount of anything: a child overwhelmed with presents; to overwhelm someone with questions. 5.to overthrow.

1300–50; ME; see over-, whelm

Pretty distinct and obviousl differences to me........

Have you ever even grown herb?


Well-Known Member

d&#601;r/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [oh-der] Show IPA
Use odor in a Sentence

–noun 1.the property of a substance that activates the sense of smell: to have an unpleasant odor. 2.a sensation perceived by the sense of smell; scent.3.an agreeable scent; fragrance.4.a disagreeable smell.5.a quality or property characteristic or suggestive of something: An odor of suspicion surrounded his testimony. 6.repute: in bad odor with the whole community. 7.Archaic. something that has a pleasant scent.

Also, especially British, odour.

1250–1300; ME < OF < L

Related forms:
o&#8901;dor&#8901;ful, adjective
o&#8901;dor&#8901;less, adjective

aroma, redolence, perfume. Odor, smell, scent, stench all refer to sensations perceived through the nose by the olfactory nerves. Odor and smell in literal contexts are often interchangeable. Figuratively, odor also usually occurs in positive contexts: the odor of sanctity. Smell is the most general and neutral of these two terms, deriving connotation generally from the context in which it is used: the tempting smell of fresh-baked bread; the rank smell of rotting vegetation. In figurative contexts smell may be either positive or negative: the sweet smell of success; a strong smell of duplicity pervading the affair. Scent refers either to delicate and pleasing aromas or to faint, barely perceptible smells: the scent of lilacs on the soft spring breeze; deer alarmed by the scent of man. Stench is strongly negative, referring both literally and figuratively to what is foul, sickening, or repulsive: the stench of rotting flesh; steeped in the stench of iniquity and treason.


Well-Known Member
now your trying to argue in "disagree"ment about the syntax involved and the infered refference of my own description involving these nouns verbs and adjectives..... as you can see you are entitled to your own opinion, but the dictionary and basic english composition as well as basic and generally accepted interpretation practices will show that in reality there is no arguing what these words really are, or mean, or at least are meant to mean........ your own perceived interpretation is your own faultbongsmilie:peace:


Well-Known Member
NL Original from KC Brains is a very low oder. I grew it in a duplex with no oder problems.