Low potency


Hi. First post
I have finished first round in a HR style system side by side 600w each, one reservoir 100Ltr, two strains sorry no name of type also Sorry no pics. One grew well good size nugs and hard and looked really frosty under the light, I had big hopes but had low potency and smell (Indica base). the other was wiry growth, had light buds, (30% down in yield compared to Indica),not very frosty but has good potency and smell (sativa base). was using the HR 600ppm feeding ratio as suggested. Both are from soil growers so I am able to compare to theirs (taste and smell). I had no issues except leeks!!!

So any input would be appreciated
Maybe not enough food. I thought this round up the PPM to say 900PPM see if it fixes issue.


Well-Known Member
Did you try 48hr darkness before harvest? Also did you harvest in. the dark? Dry and cure can be everything for final product... I found that the cola that I handled most whilst growing had the least sugar.... Hope this helps your quality...


Well-Known Member
Assuming that the plants received reasonable growing conditions... potency is genetic.

Low potency genetics grown perfectly will be less potent than super potent genetics that barely made it through harvest.