lower leaves dying, stunted growth, and discolored edges.


Active Member
You can for the heck of it into a container slightly larger. If you do, when transplanting it, try to remove as much miracle grow soil from the roots (GENTLY) as you can. Then after give it a good watering with straight ph balanced water. Nice to hear you found a local place with Foxfarm stuff. Better be closed on weekends and not have a place at all and have to order bags of soil with 20 bux shipping plus the 20 dollar bag itself ;] Keep us updated when you start fresh and we'll have you goin smooth.


Well-Known Member
I would carefully cut the bottom out of that small square pot you have it in now with a razor blade, shake some soil out of the bottom, turn it upside down and fill what ever soil came out, pack it lightly then plant it with the sides still there. Once it got larger I would cut the sides off little box off with sissors.


OK! so i just went to a place that said they had fox farms and the owner asked what i wanted to soil for and i said for growing herbs inside. and he gave me a custom made organic soil in a white bag. it was $5 but its a big place and they clearly make there own soil. the place looked legit though. so im going to use this. i have a couple of 3 day old plants in peat pellets. when should i transplant these and should i transplant them into solo cups or what? they are growing in a computer case so i dont wanna put them in anything too big.


Well-Known Member
Sure you can put them in solo cups. be sure to make some holes for drainage (like 4 pencil size holes) and put them on a tray.
Indoor herb garden huh? ya, he knew what you were growing. I would get them transplanted once they got there second set of leaves.


Well-Known Member
I think the soil will be fine. if you want more airation you could always poke pin holes around the bottom of the cup.


YAY! my plant in my first post is doing alot better with that custom soil and has so much new green growth. i got them surrounded in comp case with 4 27w i think 65k bulbs. the other 2 i transplanted into small solo cups cuz i didnt have big ones at the time. but on there 3rd or 4th day they were doing 10 times better then my first grow. they are nice and not stretched. pictures will be up tonight.