lower p.h with vinegar..questions


Well-Known Member
just wondering if my soil will build up any bad stuff from doing this?
my water p.h is at 10.9/11 most of the time so i might have to put alot in...
any help would be very helpful;-)


Well-Known Member
I can't see vinegar being a problem, a lot of guides say to use it to lower ph and they don't mention anything about it damaging plants. Can't speak from personal experience yet though. btw, where did you get your ph meter from? I'm looking for one myself


Well-Known Member
i got it from a hydro shop near me mate..
im sure you could order one online even cheaper


Well-Known Member
i seen alot of grow videos but not one talk about doing this!!

so im abit like.. should i or shouldnt i?


Well-Known Member
My personal idea is that u give a plant too much of anything and eventually it can lead to somethin bad happenning. I do know that too much ph up leaves behind tooo much salts that can lead to nute lockouts but as for the ph DOWN...no clue. Makes me kinda wonder if the acid base could somehow build up in the soil leading to some sort of root burning, hmmm......


Well-Known Member
thats what i mean mate not many people know about it an my ph is so high i need to lower it alot:!::!:

its a slight problem so i just water with the 11.0 water n i know its bad as hell...
what do i do about it

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
bottled water still wont be balanced to 6.2, so thats no help. Lemon juice would work for a short time, but doesnt hold the ph level for a long period of time, like straight acids do, so your soil ph will fluctuate.


Well-Known Member
make sure you use 100% organic white vinegar and not stuff with artificial acetic acid (which is what they use for most table vinegars). That stuff is cancerous for humans so it can't be good for roots. Just my opinion.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Here's something I found on the subject.Different folks say yes, different folks say no, but they all do agree if you have nothing else on hand,vinegar will work.Also, an organic apple cider vinegar may have some beneficial micro nutrients in it,according to this. From what I can tell, you add a teaspoon per gallon of water.But read the link.http://www.growkind.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-23733.html
Also, you could add more peat moss to your soil from what I've read,it brings the ph down gradually, which is what you want to do, not all at once.
The growfaq explains this.https://www.rollitup.org/view.php?pg=faq&cmd=article&id=71


Well-Known Member
ok thanks all...
most of all stoney
i couldnt find any forums on the subject at all...but now i have one so.. thank you very much

so apple cider it is;-)


Well-Known Member
lmfao im soooo sorry all....
i just found out why i can never find anything about growing weed on google..
i had my safe search on and it wouldnt pick up restricted sites:wall: how gay...
i found a few on it now:lol:
and outher things i wanted to know about:roll:
thanks again to all that helped


Well-Known Member
ok doing a test...
i got 100% lime juice... my p.h is now at 6.6 down from 10.9..
gona leave it for a few hours and see if it goes back up or down more...

so i'll get back to you all an tell you what happens


Well-Known Member
its been about five hours now and still at 6.6...

so i guess i will tell you 2mora sum point if its changed any..

thanks again all


Well-Known Member
its been about five hours now and still at 6.6...

so i guess i will tell you 2mora sum point if its changed any..

thanks again all
looks like you've found a perfect cure! I'll have to try that, i wonder if using it regularly will give the plants a slight lime flavour? mmm


Well-Known Member
not sure about vinigar. but lemon juice in hydro is a bad idea it will only solve the problem a day or two and when you are changeing the res once a week thats alot of lemon juice just bought ph down