Lowryder #1 First Grow


Well-Known Member
:O That definately makes me feel a bit better about it. Maybe i will get more than i expected :)


Well-Known Member
DAY 33: Pre Bud going crazy!!! Flushed again today, seems to be doing better after i did it the first time :P



Active Member
It does you can even see some frost on the leaves. Hey millyy if I were you id put some dvds under your pot. It looks like it could be a lot closer if pic 9 is where the pot usually sits.


Well-Known Member
Hey Zenith, it was a little closer like 2days ago but i thought by moving it up a tiny bit it would stretch. I also didnt know if some of the brown on one of the upper leaves was leaf burn so i moved it.


Active Member
Haha it stretches when its far from the light. Well if you think its too hot then don't I guess. But if you can put your hand under it its probably fine.


Well-Known Member
In actuality it's probably only an inch and a half away, 2 at the most. I might move it a little closer though, thanks for bringing that up haha


Well-Known Member
If you google image search lowryder 1, theres isnt that tall either, i think once its fully budded mine will be just as big :)


Well-Known Member
I see Lucy got bud sites below as well, wow! She's trying her best to please you. In the next 30 days or less, she's going surprise me and everyone else who thought she was done:) Hey you might not yield much off Lucy but you gained a lot a knowledge about growing from her and you've gained friends in growing who have stayed with you and Lucy since the beginning. We will be there when Lucy is harvest and for your next grow as well:)


Well-Known Member
I see Lucy got bud sites below as well, wow! She's trying her best to please you. In the next 30 days or less, she's going surprise me and everyone else who thought she was done:) Hey you might not yield much off Lucy but you gained a lot a knowledge about growing from her and you've gained friends in growing who have stayed with you and Lucy since the beginning. We will be there when Lucy is harvest and for your next grow as well:)
Ditto milly!


Well-Known Member
I see Lucy got bud sites below as well, wow! She's trying her best to please you. In the next 30 days or less, she's going surprise me and everyone else who thought she was done:) Hey you might not yield much off Lucy but you gained a lot a knowledge about growing from her and you've gained friends in growing who have stayed with you and Lucy since the beginning. We will be there when Lucy is harvest and for your next grow as well:)
Ditto milly!

Hellz yeah. The chief be right.

I think i might cry :) Joking but really, thanks guys! All that matters is that i've definitely learned a LOT about growing, never once grown a plant before so everything was new. I learned a lot of stuff, more than just growing on this site actually, also met some really cool people! (not in real life but on the webs ya digggg haha)
I think Lucy will please me, after all she is my FIRST plant ive ever grown IN MY LIFE. Hopefully everyday till shes done she won't have anything wrong with her :p

Thanks guys for staying with me the whole way though, honestly Chief if i didn't randomly pick someone that seemed like a cool guy to Private message when i had 1 post count, then i probably would have still been wondering what to buy haha. If only i could go back and count how many private messages/questions i sent you a few months ago...Thanks man

Pics in a few hours!


Well-Known Member
Also, not sure if anyone cares or what not but If anyone is wondering about the smell of lowryder 1.. as of now, i don't smell ANYTHING. The room its in is different that the main garage and it smells a lot different than the main garage but i dont think it's lucy, i think it's smelled like that before everything happened. Lucy is only on day 34 today..but hopefully she won't be a stinker once she gets some weight on her :)