Lowryder #2 and purple-wreck


Started my first grow today with seeds from goldenseed. I got lowryder #2 and purple-wreck. First off I highly recommend-o goldenseed, its a small organization and the website it a little hard to navigate but is also full of fun stuff to read. The selection and prices are great although it does lack low end seeds (not really a problem at all). The biggest reason to order is the shipping and support, they'll basically hold your hand every step of the way and the shipping is insane. Definately very stealthy and got mine in 9 days!

I'm starting to sprout them today so Ill report on how many sprouted in a couple of days.


I achieved a 96% germination rate within three days and transferred all (including non-germs) to a pet-moss medium in one of those mini greenhouse things. I also have a heater and just started lighting them with two 15watt 18in fluorescent lights (need more lights but that's what I had lying around and it should do for a week or so until they're all up).

Lowryders are definitely slower, they were the last to crack and of the 8 already visible through the soil (3 with leaves!) none are lowryder. Hopefully in the next couple of day I should start to see those.

I'm planning on transfer to soil for an outdoor guirrilla grow, any suggestions on a good low maintanance soil?


So day 8 and going strong under lights, upgraded to 4 30watt cfl's today, only have two on today and I figure I'll turn another one on every day so I don't burn em or send them into shock since all 4 would be basically quadrupling the lumens. I also do not recommend the green-house method for lowryder #2, purple-wreck did ok (70%) but lowryder #2 was a mere 30% for me. Recall that most had cracked by when I put them in the peat to start meaning many died as a result of the change. Since I still had a couple LR seeds I started those out in paper towel and will wait for more subtantial root development before transplanting this time.

Still need a good, low maintenance outdoor soil though...