Lowryder Problem - Early Flowering? way confused. Help PLZ


Active Member
yo. so, basically, i have about 6 auto's growing. My favorite one has about to flower. its been about 3 weeks. Yea, you think that sounds good but really theplant is only 5 inches tall. Its awesome tho, because it has 3 leafs per node. Look at the pic.

Anyway, at the first node, I see very small new leaves being formed, and very skinny, straigt lines. I think the lines are hairs and that its a female. Howver, does this mean its flowering!!! is it done growing!!! da f!!! NOOO!!!! what do you guys think. the baby leaves growing at the base of established (but still small) leaves are very tiny so its not worth takin a pic cause you wont be able to see.

What do i do? I just transplanted it into this new pot recently fyi, and gave it some superthrive. I havent given it any nutes yet, except a small amount of organic fertlizer that I mixed in with the soil mix. Any help would be loved!



Well-Known Member
Your right on scedual bro, mine did the same thing.They go strait from seedling to flower stage, no veg stage at all. Now they are between 2 - 3 ft tall only a month later. Don't worry dude


Well-Known Member
dude u have triploild plant, they are kinda rare and supposedly give you bigger yield. What kinda lights are u using man they look a bit stretched? also they look over watered drooping and ovb saturated soil. I got some auto aks growing and they are doing very well if i might say. Im on a first grow so if u want to check out my journal and see how im going about things.


Active Member
yea dam ill check yours out in a sec. I had just watered the plant, which is why it looked droopy. Yea i started all the seedlings inside under some shitty incandescent light. I moved them outside about a week ago and theybe been doing great outside, growin and stuff. I know about auto flowers and stuff, but just like, this plant is way too small to be flowering. but thanks for the good news guys.