lowryder question


Well-Known Member
what light would best suite me if i wanted optimal growing conditions for five of the AK47 x Lowryder #2?

and is this the best place to buy the seeds from? http://www.worldwide-marijuana-seeds.com/products/joint-doctors-lowryder-2-ak47
Metal Halide light is good for vegging and High Pressure Sodium is good for flowering.

It is an opinion where the best place to buy seeds is. I don't think you will get a yes or no to: is this the best place to buy seeds.

try google: site:rollitup.org seedbank review


Well-Known Member
i heard that the AK47 x Lowryder #2 skips the veg stage and goes right into flowering. so does this mean i could grow my seeds from seed to bud all with just a hps setup?


Well-Known Member
so even the autoflowers need two types of lights?
It's not about need, just which is best.

I don't know a lot about autoflower plants, but know this, it is the light cycle that triggers the switch to flower.

You use 18/6 light/dark for veg (some use more light, up to 24 hours, but no less). To tell the plants it's flower time you switch to 12/12.

The plants use the metal halide/ hps different light spectrums more effectively during the veg/ flower cycles, but they don't really matter.

You could use MH throughout the whole thing and you would get bud. You could use HPS the whole time and still get bud. Same with cfl's and floro's, you could use them the whole grow and get bud. If you want to get the dankest and biggest yeild for the electricity bill you are paying then an MH/ HPS combo would be best.

All that said, in my setup, I am using a 250w Metal Halide right next to a 400w hps for my flowering. I like the idea of both spectrums getting to the plants.

I know I'm not really answering your autoflower question, (i don't really know), but I'm pretty sure most of the same things apply.


Well-Known Member
Autoflower or not, you can flower your plants from the very begginning. That is what Sea of Green guys do, so their plants are tiny. If what you say is true about their timing, then I would guess those seeds would be perfect for the SoG guys.

Like I said in the previous post, you could do all HPS anyways, veg or not, what you are more asking (i think) is if you can do 12/12 from the start, and that is a yes. That is what I explain in the paragraph above this.


Well-Known Member
You should have called the thread "autoflowering question". You might have gotten some smarter people that actually know about that, haha.


Active Member
auto flowering just means you dont have to mess with the light schedule they just start flowering at around 3 weeks or so. they dont skip the veg stage they just veg shortly and then "auto" flower themselves. pretty self explanatory. and you can use the same light the whole time, either mh or hps. i've also heard you should have them on a 18/6 light schedule the whole time.

check out attitude seeds, they have an awesome selection of auto's and i've heard good things about this place. good luck!


Well-Known Member
auto flowering just means you dont have to mess with the light schedule they just start flowering at around 3 weeks or so. they dont skip the veg stage they just veg shortly and then "auto" flower themselves. pretty self explanatory. and you can use the same light the whole time, either mh or hps. i've also heard you should have them on a 18/6 light schedule the whole time.

check out attitude seeds, they have an awesome selection of auto's and i've heard good things about this place. good luck!
That's right. I grow my Auto AK with one 400W HPS the whole way through, 18/6 the whole time. Do not switch to 12/12 as it will decrease your yields. They are a great plant but beware of the monster phenotype. I have 3 females going right now and one of them is easily 5 times as big. I'm growing it though to see if it gets monster buds too. Probably not.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Definitely go with the 400W HPS if you want to do 5 at a time. I usually do 2-3 at a time with my 400W.
Also, don't buy feminized unless you constantly want to buy more seeds. You can not clone these so buy 10 regular seeds and keep some pollen.
how would i go about making more seeds from the strain i choose?


Well-Known Member
just leave the males in. i'm growing a bunch of lr2s and they pollinate themselves. trust me. and anything else with 100 feet. lol good luck


Well-Known Member
hey man. i never grew seeds before this grow. it happens very naturally. i cant stress that enough. if you want just 1 plant to be seeded take the 2 best plants of male and female and when the male is about to drop pollen take them into another room and just shake the male over the female. it will do the rest. trust me. if you only want a few seeds just use a tiny paintbrush and put some on a node intersection of a nice female. it will only grow seeds from that spot. but man is it easy and you will get thousands of seeds. i regret seeding my whole crop and accidentally an unseeded crop. but trust me man its easy. put pollen where you want and tons of seeds will form within a week. good luckhttps://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/162364-lowryder-2-under-540watts-t5.html
check these out