LSA extraction


So i'm about to try an extraction of LSA from some morning glory seeds, and i'm just looking for some pointers from anyone experienced with this? Going to attempt to use an actual procedure since I have the sep funnel and other reagents necessary to do it this way.


Well-Known Member
Heard nausea is very bad with this but also have read some very good trip reports. I would suggest taking something preemptively to help your stomach.


Yeah I've heard that morning glories have been known to cause headaches/stomach issues, but I was hoping that the extraction would take out the bad impurities that come along with the seeds. And I've had LSD, just thought maybe this might be something worthwhile. Also it's an extraction that I could currently manage...


Awesome. Crypt I've read the erowid reports on LSA but I'm just curious to your personal opinion, worthwhile? Some people say that it's weak and others say it's a pretty good experience.


Anyone have any ideas why peppermint oil is said to take away these effects? ANC you ever try to extract LSA from morning glories with peppermint? If so you do have the procedure you used for it? Trying to get all the info that's out there on this, but I've been having trouble finding a whole lot about these wonderful amides...


Well-Known Member
I don't wan't to be involved with teaching extraction of LSA, especialy from morning glories, it is simply too dangerous when combined with the average idiot out there.


Woah man, no need to imply that I'm some 'average idiot'. The procedure that I posted earlier is actually a pretty damn easy extraction process if you've completed any organic chemistry lab at the collegiate level...

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
See what you did CRYPT ... I suspected this was coming ...
The Kid wants to get SkyHighPi ... !!

Looking for drugs !
Well done.


Sky let this be ... its not worth the hassle.
KEEPER Wanna play Go ?
