LSD after Shrooms


Active Member
So I just tried shrooms about a week ago and my friend/dealer told me that he was getting some acid. My shroom experience was nothing less of magical and trippy so... How different is acid from shrooms, am
I in for a treat or is it the same kind of trip? or should I stay away from the substance and keep on shrooming? Any stories that can help my decision? or advice on what to do while trippin, things to watch, or bands to listen to?


Well-Known Member
So I just tried shrooms about a week ago and my friend/dealer told me that he was getting some acid. My shroom experience was nothing less of magical and trippy so... How different is acid from shrooms, am
I in for a treat or is it the same kind of trip? or should I stay away from the substance and keep on shrooming? Any stories that can help my decision? or advice on what to do while trippin, things to watch, or bands to listen to?
its the dankest shit ever
way more intense than shrooms
first time i took it all i started doing was laughing uncontrolably
and then the clouds started going into an intense kalidescope
it was dank
i wish i could score some of that shit
have fun
have like 5 grams of weed to smoke when your coming off
of and
its what i do, and it is way dank
get mad drunk like 10-11 hours into the trip(slightly coming off)
it really helps coming off and really kind extends it
its fun


Well-Known Member
i suggest going into any ind of cannyon, forest, or moutain, or any place where there is a lot of nature and no people
and i watched a nin concert video
it was awsome:peace:


Well-Known Member
Dont listen him Just eat this shit and wait 40 min.If you have fresh 15 max 20 min.And dont worry its fun man.Eat first half paper and after 40 min when you will be feel must meet with this stuff and then eat other half.Good luck man.Eat this shit....dont drop it into your eye.!!!!!!! I wish have one.....
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Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I tried some LSD within the last year and was disappointed. It was nowhere near as good as what I remembered from the 60s. Back then we used to get liquid LSD 25. That was power trippin. This recent stuff seemed to be mostly speed. I am not a big fan of all the speed.


Well-Known Member
I tried some LSD within the last year and was disappointed. It was nowhere near as good as what I remembered from the 60s. Back then we used to get liquid LSD 25. That was power trippin. This recent stuff seemed to be mostly speed. I am not a big fan of all the speed.
probably just bad shit
i got a vile of some liquid lsd 25 like a year ago (it was half full)
me and 4 friends dropped it all in one night
there were like 40 drops
haha now that was a "power trip"
it was a lot f fun
we drew and listened to the beatles
i sometimes look at the painting if i ever need to smile, b/c it brings back such good memories


Active Member
yeah prally had bad stuff, I know that in new england unless you get liquid, theres a 50/50 chance ur gonna get bad shit even if you think you know where your gettin it from...different time different ethics, and sure as hell a different price


Well-Known Member
So I just tried shrooms about a week ago and my friend/dealer told me that he was getting some acid. My shroom experience was nothing less of magical and trippy so... How different is acid from shrooms, am
I in for a treat or is it the same kind of trip? or should I stay away from the substance and keep on shrooming? Any stories that can help my decision? or advice on what to do while trippin, things to watch, or bands to listen to?

if you felt "in control" of your trip while on shrooms, you wont on acid.

in fact you might not remember some of the stuff you do on acid. it can get pretty whacked out. try to stay away from crowds. nature and sun are good.

hikes , mountains, waterfalls, rivers, any of the such. walking helps keep things safe. if you want, i find i can drink like a fish with no problem. remember a buddy of mine and myself drank 3 cases in one night of trippin ourselves. i am talking 18-19yrs old at a band studio in some old warehouses, both at 150-160 lbs(lightweights).


have fun,


Well-Known Member
i took Hoffmann 2000's..... Excellent... train station stretchtd for miles ! was about 50 meter trainstation ... so ya get the drift...

hehe get in train get out ^^ rofl !

that was the coolest !


Well-Known Member
i took Hoffmann 2000's..... Excellent... train station stretchtd for miles ! was about 50 meter trainstation ... so ya get the drift...

hehe get in train get out ^^ rofl !

that was the coolest !
i ENVY you!


Well-Known Member
Where you find Hoffman papers>???I buy Hoffman papers in Prgue....CZ.....

i took Hoffmann 2000's..... Excellent... train station stretchtd for miles ! was about 50 meter trainstation ... so ya get the drift...

hehe get in train get out ^^ rofl !

that was the coolest !
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magic alex

Active Member
acid and shrooms are not as alike as you may think. i have done eaten alot of both and have been able to see their differences very clearly.

shrooms always make me feel much more in tune with nature than acid. the visuals from shrooms are different as well, and in my opinion superior to the visual effects of acid.
acid gets me spun out really easy too. i get spun for like a week after trippin acid. shrooms i feel better than i did before i took the drug after i come down.
mushrooms feel kind of creepy/eerie but not in a bad way neccesarily, while acid doesnt.
ive lost control of my body on mushrooms before too and thats never happened to me on acid.
a small dose of acid will make you trip harder than a small does of shrooms, but a large dose of shrooms will take you so much further than a large dose of acid.

basically tho, psilocybin mushrooms affect you much more emotionally, while lsd affects you intellectually.