LSD Stuff


Err did lsd at like 9:15

11:03 now and meh just feel tingling maybe i got some crappy shit but all my friends saaid its gud for them so wow


Oracle of Hallucinogens
lol, they don't make em like they used to hey?
meh.. for the most part, no.. no they don't. Mind you, I heard of a 75th (?) Anniversary Hofmann's being dosed at 500µg's a hit!


well im up hella late but like i started feelin lil different after an hour or so but then i saw alice and wonderland which was great but im not sure if the movie was just soo trippy that i placebooed it or what cus maybe i just had some very low grade shit or something or maybe i just placebooed everything.

then again im up at 5:00am

but its prob cus i cant accept the fact that i wasted $20 on 2 hits of meh


Well-Known Member
i watched alice on one of my early trips.. :) super fun on lsd - also watched rocky horror that time.. hahahaha... it is definitely a bummer especially at $10 a hit.... acid does keep you up, but so does being excited over tripping..


Well-Known Member
i say if the effects were subtle, and slow to set in, lasted more than 7 hours and kept you up all night, then i do belive it was LSD, its just the dose was poor. probably cut in half or touched too much by hands


Well-Known Member
Look East and all Your questions will be answered...
the west is the best ~ jmorrison

here in the east you see outlandishly expensive, bunk, fake or just plain strips of index card. ive gootn real LSD only from one person out here in the east and it either comes via mail from calli or he goes to canada to get sheets from the chemist


Well-Known Member
acid has gotten weaker.. but 2 tabs is a minimum 90ug dose - that should produce a strongly noticeable trip.. i think he got plain paper..


Well-Known Member
WHAT!?! theres only 45ug of lsd in modern tabs?! back in the day(earlier this year) that the acid i was getting was 75-100ug per hit. ill take what shep was talking about! wait? actually, did it have a picture of Hoffman riding a bicycle? i may have eaten a small tab of this....

the hoffman and the bike looked like this but the background was just white blotter


Well-Known Member
45 is a bare minimum - blotters range from 50 to 100 - then gels and dots can be up to 150.. i think this is the same as always - things like the Hoffmans have been reported to be up to 200ug which is technically possible..


Well-Known Member
This guy I know, or used to know, he got hit by a truck, but when he was moving blotter he would get the vials sent to him, and got the blotters mailed in sometimes he would get the custom designs that he drew up, and put them together himself, generally each tab would be 350ug, or so he said. But he is the only person I have ever dealt with who even had the knowledge to describe the dosages so I figure I can trust him. He spent like $22,000 on a trip room, and like a week after it was finished he walked in front of a truck, who drove off and remains undetained.

Every other occurrence with LSD has been on white unperfed blotter which always has me suspect.



maybe if it was wrapped in paper it obsorbed some also if heat got to it i any way thatwould weaken it and i thought most tabs around are 140-200s maybe itsdifferent over here but there pretty damn hard to get now a days


Well-Known Member
i believe what you got was LSD, you just got too low of a dose

buy 3-5 next time, the effects wont be so subtle

i always need to take a good little strip or else im not in the right place i want my brain to be. if im tripping i go all out. but i also love candy flipping and mixing drugs


i believe what you got was LSD, you just got too low of a dose

buy 3-5 next time, the effects wont be so subtle

i always need to take a good little strip or else im not in the right place i want my brain to be. if im tripping i go all out. but i also love candy flipping and mixing drugs
Yea it was LSD but just very weak def not worth $10 a hit :(