LST Haze Grow


Well-Known Member
55 seeds? Thats alot! I spend about 400-500 a oz and I have never seen any seeds in my zips. Not sure how much your spending on zips but if your buying danks there should not be any seeds in your sack. Just a thought....anyways good luck on your grow, plants are looking wide and bushy. Thats always a plus in an indoor grow.
Lol i NEVER get seeded bud believe me, i would say out of my entire lifespan, i have found 65 seeds throughout all the weed i smoked, 55 out of the haze batches, the rest out of some low class dro or some shit. And like i said there were only 2 nugs out of lets say 5 oz. that had seeds in it averaging 26 seeds per nug, that is even a low seed count for a nug, if you saw fdd's thread he seeded a plant and had what looks to be maybe even thousands of seeds off of one crop, which is making me even stronger believe that maybe even some branches or nugs were pollinated, if this is true it prob even was crossed with an indica dominant plant, considering the leave structure these babies have


Well-Known Member
well, just checked on my babies. I had added in two Cfl's instead of 4 due to the heat rising to 88! They 2 seem to keep the temps at a steady high of 83, which i guess is ok with my situation :roll:. I also was noticing some slight yellowing of certain leaves, almost a dry look to some leaves that actually are getting wrinkly looking but still such a dark green. I feel there is a nute deficiency, or even burn but do not know which. OR could it be the fact i've been vegging under 24/0 and this is the aftermath of shock switching to half of the light daily in the 12/12 cycle? Also should i keep my fan running at night when the lights are off?


Well-Known Member
I've had heat issues with my CLFs also when they were young, they seem to be adjusting OK to it now, check out my grow I've got some pics in there

I would keep the fan going at night to give them fresh air, and it helps the stem growth


Well-Known Member
I've had heat issues with my CLFs also when they were young, they seem to be adjusting OK to it now, check out my grow I've got some pics in there

I would keep the fan going at night to give them fresh air, and it helps the stem growth
The fan i was definite about keeping running at night until i started seeing these issues, whether it was maybe too much stress for them having a fan bloing on them all night, since they have never had that dark period yet. And regarding the CFL's, since i am basically growing in an enclosed box with minimal fresh air it is hard to add any more at this point, i mean you would say 85 degrees should be the absolute hottest in my grow room considering the minimal co2 and fresh air correct?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've heard you don't wanna get it much hotter than that

I usually rotate my plants so one isn't always getting the fan/light in a particular area. I also very which way the fan blows, the speed it blows, etc

I just kinda mix it up, not too fast to hurt them, just enough to keep it varied and distributed amongst the plants


Well-Known Member
yea i didnt think so, i mean i feel like anything 85 and above will be a stressful temp to them without having perfect intake exhaust and co2 supplement, so i dont know. It's not nessicarily the 85 degree air its the 85 degree stagnant air thats bad, i feel if you have fresh air 85 degrees with c02 youll have absolutely no issue.

My fan is oscillating but i keep it locked straight towards my plants, i feel like when i put it to sway back and fourth it doesnt make my plants move for 25 percent of its rotation anyway. But yea i have been generally rotating my plants, back and fourth between sides

oh yeah and it was funny man i was looking through your grow thread and i have the exact same personal stash jar as you lol



Well-Known Member
i somewhat took a look at my babies today but didnt get a close look, i was in a rush, i didnt see any signs of sex yet? 31 days veg and 4 days flower, when should i see signs?


Well-Known Member
checked on them today, it looks as if i have some slight nute burn, im gunna add slightly more water. I still cant fully tell the sex, i see little balls forming, and they are not raised so i believe they may be a females :)


Well-Known Member
I'm dying to see pics... we just kicked our girl into flowering, looking forward to some good results. she's not quite as big as your girl, but she's pretty.


Well-Known Member
I'm dying to see pics... we just kicked our girl into flowering, looking forward to some good results. she's not quite as big as your girl, but she's pretty.
Well todays your lucky day quadrophine, i got some pics for everyone. Checked on them today and we seem to have two females!!! I had been having a slight nute burn prob, but i believe it should get better as i have seen improvement i believe in just one day, anyone know the deficiency based on the pics? I also added 2 Pc fans to the grow, one intake, the bigger bottom fan, and one exhaust the smaller top one. Regardless of how well ventilated the area is now with the Pc fans, i know it will be better than no fans, like i have had the whole grow ( except the oscillating fan). The one concern i have been having is if these plants are gunna be hermie, i know the oz. i got the seeds from were not completely seeded, only a few nugs, so i dont know if there was slight pollination or what. There are some slight balls forming at some areas, but i believe they may be developing calyxs? Well anyway heres the pics.

Basic Grow Room Area

Nice Stem for 1Mo. Veg And Flouros Eyyyyyy!

Here are the Sexing Pics

The Balls?

The White Hairs

The Nute Burn Prob

The Pc Fan Setup i made

What do you guys think??


Well-Known Member
They look good

The one looks like a female, not sure about the possible male though I think it needs more time


Well-Known Member
yea thats what ive been thinking, Plus male calyxs are raised and these are not, so i believe both should be female, in a day or two i should def know


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what the signs of a hermy plant are? Do herms always start female or male? I have some white hairs but some small balls without hairs yet, is this just another female calyx or could it be a pollen sack?


Well-Known Member
that's a nice setup man...

as for the hermie bit, I've read here that a hermie plant that's a genetic hermie, pollinating itself, will produce hermie seeds... however if the plant hermied as a result of stress, and pollinated itself you should be left with a high percentage of female seeds. whether this plant was cross pollinated or pollinated itself i imagine is a mystery. but I'm keeping my fingers crossed because I can't tell from your pictures. those are some beautiful plants you got there and glad to here you opted for a bit more light, i think with 2 cfl's you'd have been unpleasently surprised. keep up the good work.

ps... i'm pretty sure hermies start female and then start growing balls. But i could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
thanks man, yea i opted for a very reasonable setup, because im tight on money right now, but i would say its been doing me pretty well. Im running to home depot today to get some different spectrum tubes for flowering and some more cfls/mylar. Yea about the hermy stuff thats what ive been hearing, so i guess well have to see by the end of the grow lol


Well-Known Member
yeah man, I feel ya on the tight budget, but compared to our setup you have a fucking geenhouse!! way to go.


Well-Known Member
WELL WE HAVE 2 FEMALES!! Checked them both since i hadnt before the weekend, and i see both plants with about 1/4" whispy white hairsss wooooooooo