lst vs scrog


Well-Known Member
hey everybody, getting ready to have clones soon so im making grow cabs. i dont have a lot of height so i want to know the best way of growing some indicas. would it be lst? thats my best guess. i dont even know if scrog would help much. give me your experiences with each! yield and height


Well-Known Member
inidcas are good for sog depending on the strain, some are more bushy then others. You could scrog them if you wanted but i personally feel like training them works just as well. I do a perpetual harvest but i have a whole room dedicated to flowering, i keep 16 in flower at all times and chop 4 every 2 weeks and i never run out of bud for myself or the few customers i deal with. I grow enough to smoke for free and offset the price of my electric bill and the money put in the grow for soil, nutes, and whatever else i use. If you can then thats the way to go because the first time i grew i realized how much it sucked after my harvest when i had to wait for drying and curing and then running out before the next plants were done. Its an amazing feeling to know you always have some clones rooting, a wonderful mother plant with the others vegging and a whole room of floweing beauties with a closet full of hanging buds and a cabinet full of mason jars curing to perfection.


Well-Known Member
haha i agree i want that. well i actually was planning on doing the sog fo sho. basically i thought of everything you said and i wanted it all the time haha. i think im going to lst them.