LSTing any advice?


Active Member
make sure what ever you use to tie down the plant doesn't cut through the stems. it happened to my plants the first time i LST-ed. gave me an accidental topping.


New Member
only thing i can add from my own experience is if ur tryin to bend it and it seems real rigid like it wants to break and not bend; just wet it real good with a sprayer,wait cumback in about five and do it again until it's nice and pliable then u can train it whichever way u want it to go. i have my plants goin all sorts of different ways all in an effort to have a perfect canopy of basically all colas since the branches will be even with the true tops. lookin good by the way, keep it up.


New Member
also man i see ur new around here whatever u do be patient i've seen impatience end a lot of good grows around here. whatever u do do it slow and easy.
also man i see ur new around here whatever u do be patient i've seen impatience end a lot of good grows around here. whatever u do do it slow and easy.

Trust me patience is something ive got. Im going to go for somehwhat of a question mark shape but i know i did the LST and toppng right so far.


Well-Known Member
looks like you did a good job too me. when the lower growth picks up just tie that down the same way. just make sure the hemp rope your using isnt too tight around the plant. gl man and good job!