lurker bagseed with CFL progress?


Active Member
alright. so i've been lurking on here for quite a while, just reading and learning things. i've been growing one little girl up this term when i get breaks from my homework. i don't remember how old she is, nor do i remember how long i've been flowering her. maybe two weeks? i've burned too many bowls. anyways, i was wondering if i could get some comments on progress, how am i doing?



Well-Known Member
agreed they look pretty good and nice hi res pics too. I thought i had a nice camera till i took a few shots of my babies :)


Active Member
i'll post some pictures of the whole thing here in a few hours when the lights turn on.

edit: ironically, it's just a nikon point and shoot 7mp. it cost me about 100 dollars at walmart. works good though.

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
Nikon makes nothing but quality. I'm sure their low-end cameras produce better images than a lot of high-end models from different brands.


Active Member
looks very green and healthy. you must be only on week 2 or 3 of flowering because there's barely any bud development.


Active Member
so being that this is my first grow, any idea as to what this strain might be leaning towards as far as genetics are concerned? i know the smoke was pretty damn good.


Well-Known Member
seems like the pot is just a little bit small....... seems the pot is clear, does it seem like the roots are getting pretty thick in there?

I'm not sure either but it might be a good idea to cover the roots from the light? It seems like i read that somewhere..........

And I am pretty sure you have holes there at the bottom too for drainage? I imagine you do because you have that other container in one of the pics.

Lookin good 'mang. Can you get a profile (side) shot showing the entire thing? And while your taking requests, put something (beer bottle or something) to show in comparison.

Lookin good though.......


Active Member
this is more of a hobby thing than anything else, the pot isn't entirely opaque, nor is it entirely transparent, it is rootbound but that is fine with me for this grow as i am trying to keep the plant small because of my grow space size, i may transplant later into the plants life after a reveg.

here is one next to the best cheap beer on earth.



Well-Known Member
not bad man, seems your going to a yield at any rate, so whats the harm ya know?

If the roots do get root bound to where it is effecting the plant (looks sickly) I have heard you can put some hydrogen peroxide in some amount to help give some oxygen to the roots. Though I cannot recommend a particular amount, it might be something to look into further if the plant starts to look sick (though the minor yellowing of this leaves in flowering is not uncommon, I'm speaking more of droopy lifeless leaves.