M.O.B. Pictures in flower.


Well-Known Member
I had the pink and purple colors throughout the buds on the last run. Really beautiful buds M.O.B produces.


Well-Known Member
M.O.B. is coming along well. I'm really behind in the veg tent, and just cloned some Berry Bomb the other day. I'm guessing another 3 wks or so for MOB, then in the flower tent goes BB. Here's the BB clones. I usually cut the ends of the leaves from clones, still have to do that.



Well-Known Member
Hmm ok. Maybe I'll try that. I do remove all but a couple healthy ones. Doesn't it also have to put some energy into leaf repair? I honestly have no idea, but I'll try it especially if I get stubborn ones.


Well-Known Member
It almost stops leaf repair on cut leaves or dramatically slows until strong roots develop it changes the focus of the plant
It will put all energy into staying alive spreads roots faster focuses on new leaf growth and root development so they grow at the same rate I like to give a little super thrive to help with stress It gives some vitamins to speed up process as well and a little goes a long way with super thrive
all my clones get cut at 45 degree angle cut and sliced up the middle of stem to the 45 degree angle shave layer of the stem skin dip it in clonex and into you cloner or medium


Active Member
I got 6 oz off my MOB plant.

I have three clones pretty much ready to flip into flower. I think I am going to put them in a 5'x5' tent under 1000w of light.


Well-Known Member
Updated pictures:
As you can see by the leaf, I pushed the nutes too far this round. I wanted to find out just how much this strain could take. Last round I went light. I'll pull in 2 wks I assume, giving only water from now on. Is there anything special I should do with the fabric grow bags when I wash them out after harvest?CAM00081.jpgCAM00082.jpgCAM00084.jpgCAM00085.jpgCAM00086.jpgCAM00087.jpg