Mad-dog Mattis Calls Trump "A Fucking Dotard", Quits.


Well-Known Member
Secy of Defense and all around "best people" Jamie, Mad-Dog Mattis told mainstream media outlets today that our President is retarded and clearly in the thrall of Putin. He slapped Trump twice, shoved Trump's head into a taco bowl and resigned by defecating in the Oval office.

We wish him well and hope he avoids jail in the future. A book deal has been discussed.

Fox News reported on a high school English teacher in Oklahoma with climate change doubts.


Well-Known Member
I figure we need to get a head start learning this bullshit, seeing how Putin is fucking Trump

National anthem of Russia America

Russia – our holy nation
Russia – our beloved country.
A mighty will, great glory –
These are yours for all time!

Be glorious, our free Fatherland,
Age-old union of fraternal peoples,
Popular wisdom given by our forebears!
Be glorious, our country! We are proud of you!

From the southern seas to the polar lands
Spread our forests and fields.
You are unique in the world, one of a kind –
Native land protected by God!


Wide spaces for dreams and for living
Are opened for us by the coming years
Our loyalty to our Fatherland gives us strength.
Thus it was, thus it is and always will be!

blaze 57

Well-Known Member
Mattis is a dinosaur throwback to American imperialism. He had to go. MAGA = no boots on the ground in the Middle East. Trump spoke about this in his rallies.

Afghanistan up next and its just bizarre how the left is now the party of warmongers and the supporting the industrial military complex .

Good riddance! liberals from snowflakes to vikings proves how much Trump consumes their minds.


Well-Known Member
Mattis is a dinosaur throwback to American imperialism. He had to go. MAGA = no boots on the ground in the Middle East. Trump spoke about this in his rallies.

Afghanistan up next and its just bizarre how the left is now the party of warmongers and the supporting the industrial military complex .

Good riddance! liberals from snowflakes to vikings proves how much Trump consumes their minds.
All this proves is that trump is doing exactly what putin and erdogan want him to

Foreign dictators control our foreign policy now because they own trump financially

Trump is compromised. Trump is a traitor


Well-Known Member
Mattis is a dinosaur throwback to American imperialism. He had to go. MAGA = no boots on the ground in the Middle East. Trump spoke about this in his rallies.

Afghanistan up next and its just bizarre how the left is now the party of warmongers and the supporting the industrial military complex .

Good riddance! liberals from snowflakes to vikings proves how much Trump consumes their minds.
thump is a fraud....lets see his taxes


Well-Known Member
Mattis is a dinosaur throwback to American imperialism. He had to go. MAGA = no boots on the ground in the Middle East. Trump spoke about this in his rallies.

Afghanistan up next and its just bizarre how the left is now the party of warmongers and the supporting the industrial military complex .

Good riddance! liberals from snowflakes to vikings proves how much Trump consumes their minds.
No boots? But that sand gets so hot. Maybe Crocs and tube socks will do it.


Well-Known Member
Mattis is a dinosaur throwback to American imperialism. He had to go. MAGA = no boots on the ground in the Middle East. Trump spoke about this in his rallies.

Afghanistan up next and its just bizarre how the left is now the party of warmongers and the supporting the industrial military complex .

Good riddance! liberals from snowflakes to vikings proves how much Trump consumes their minds.
What's the finders fee for a 500 billion Oil Deal?
( a $1 Billon deal got us a dismembered reporter and a excuse of how it was worth it)

GM, Boeing, Apple, pretty much all of Wall Street need whats left of the worlds oil to fuel China.

You are a mouthpiece for Halliburton, Comrade.