*MAD PICS* Barney's Farm LSD, Pineapple Chunk... Sativa Seeds Blackberry 600w DWC

So I finally got a Camera so I thought I would start a grow journal for you guys at RUI... so feel free to comment on whatever.....

I have obtained my seeds From Attitude Seed Bank *Great Website for ordering seeds*
I got Barney's Farm LSD, Pineapple Chunk... Sativa seeds Blackberry and a bunch of Freebies, including Rocklock, Sour Cream and more! All feminized
I had 100% germination as well as 100% feminized no herms or males *heard that some websites dont send real feminized seeds*

So onto the grow.
In the Veg Box which is 2'x3'x4' is light by 90w Blue LED (says 400w equivilant but i don't think so) as well as daylight 25w CFL's (100w equivilant)
It has the Clones from the OG Pineapple chunk as well as the Blackberry (I took about double of the amount of clones I have left. *Most of the Pineapple clones didn't make it*)and another lsd and Blackberry from seed...
Lights on 24/0
Ph- 5.8-6.0
PPM- 650
Nutes = Advanced Nutrients Grow:Micro:Bloom 3:2:1 ratio
Temps stay around 75 ish

Flower Box
Dimensions is 5x6x8 Homemade *btw*
600w HPS lighting with Adjustawing reflector
Ph 6-6.3
PPM 1200
Height 40" both
Lights about 20" away from canopy

Pineapple chunk and Blackberry are a little under 4 weeks into 12/12 *feel a little behind*
I did Experience a deficiency with the pineapple which i believe to be magnesium but IDK symptoms havent continued since i upped the Bloom amount...
And The Blackberry seems to be clawing *advice please*
DSCF0316.JPGDSCF0315.JPGDSCF0291.JPGprematuring?? *help*

Close up of Pineapple

Trich3.JPGtrich2.JPGtrich.JPGside shot2.JPGside shot.JPGSide 3.JPGcola.JPG

Close up of blackberry

I'll get pictures of The Clones and other plants later... feel free to comment if I've left out any info let met know

Raise 'n Toast


They are looking sexy:weed:, just got to fix the discoloration and ur good,,,, i didnt see LSD though or am i just High?:?::leaf::-P
here it is ... i forgot to put it on there

week 2- Got dunked under hydroponic solution *not good*

week2top.JPGweek 2.JPG
week 3 - Getting better
week3.JPGweek 4.JPG
week 6 - Yes its the same plant 5+ heads all around 12"
under.JPGsideshotlstlsd.JPGcanopy.JPGFim sight.JPG*last is FIM sight think it was 4th node*

Heres the other blackberry 14"
blackberry.JPGblackberry side.JPG

Clones 10-12"

blackberry1.JPGblackberry3.JPGblackberry 2.JPG Each picture is a different clone
Pineapple Chunk
pineapple chunk.JPG
Roots on 4 weeks from cut
nice roots.JPGthats sticking out of a 3" pot then a 5 "all around Amazingly white :-0

one clone does have some mutated growth as well as this
DSCF0361.JPGThinking either Ph imbalance or over fertilization Comments please
So I have decided to switch to Organic Nutes *Earth Juice Grow, bloom, microblast, cataylst* Just gave a little less than the directions on the back of the bottle (never used this stuff before *smells pretty bad*) hopeing i can fix all my problems once and for all with this move... This is my first time growing hydroponically... A lot more complex hopeing that yield and overall quality will make up for it all.... what do you guys think is it worth hydro over soil?
I could really use some advice on what you guys think about my collection does the flowers look good 4 weeks in 12/12 and does the def. look abnormally bad *i could really use some unbiased opinions* Comments Please


Well-Known Member
my opinion is that very few things in this world can be fixed with one solution and very few problems are for one reason, it's usually a string of events.

The nutes you are using should cover your plants pretty well, are you sure of your PH and PH meter, calibrate it or at least dip it in solution to make sure it is close to right.

Have you seen this http://www.greenmanspage.com/guides/plant_abuse.html

I know it is a lot of different places, it's a good overview .

What are your water temps? Is that 75 or is the room 75?
How do the roots look? got any pics? Let us know JR
room temps are 65f at night and up to 80 sometimes during the day res temps are 65-69f
roots look white for the most part theres some on the clones they look about the same.... i have a picture but it doesnt do them justice

DSCF0349.JPG that not a picture of the flowering ones but they are the same color just longer and look more matted together.. they are too big to move and i cant get a good picture of the roots on them but i can see them with my eye if that makes sense

just tested the Ph meter and its spot on... well .03 low


Well-Known Member
Why did you transplant? Adding the 3" to the 5"? Do you really think your plant thickness will exceed 3"? I have vegged for 2 months and flowered for 8 weeks and never had an issue with the plant outgrowing the net cup. Did the transplant effect your plant? I am sure it went into some sort of shock because the root that had been in the reservoir were suddenly put onto another net cup with more hydrotron to fight through in order to reach the reservoir again...
i dont know for more stabiblity in the pot holder i felt if it was 40 in tall it would be more likely to try to topple in the 3" and they went into a small rubbermaid tub with 7" of water in 9" tall container giving 2" from the top of the pot not in solution being soaked by bubbles and the fact that water is a polorized ion and likes to try up small coroadoirs like the gaps between hydroton clay and the roots that were in the solution remained in the solution... they never got shocked or stunted when i did the trans plant..... i figured that was better than trying to weave the roots out of the little gaps in the cup and risk pulling off a big chunk ... which would definitely stunt it.
but now im rooting clones in styrofoam floating on the water to try and stop using the 3" net pot and jump straight to the 5"
this is my first time growing hydroponically....


plant.jpgl2.jpgl3.jpgl5.jpgl4.jpgHey man im having the same sort of problems starts around week 4 of flowering and just gets worst throughout the last 4 weeks ?? you say you upped the bloom and it sorted the problem ???
will keep an eye on ya grow but i am also after more advise
um.. i thought i fixed it but IDK . seemed to just slow it... i just switched to organic nutes *earthjuice* and added maximum amount of microblast on back of bottle.... hoping to see some improvement... i need to figure it out fast... its almost reacing the top of the plant... and im running out of fan leaves off the main stalk... which is concerning me.... im thinking it could have been heat stress as well but wouldnt this affect the top before the middle of the plant


LOL no idea man ... sorry not much help thought you had sorted it !!!! i have had this problem over my last three grows and changed everthing feed soil intake outake even changed the complete system and changed to coco and its starting again week 4 of flower will get some more pics and info up shortly ??? stick with it though : )
damn.... i'm hoping it doesn't spread to my other plants its the only one showing this type of Discoroation..... what are your temps in your grow room? and did you say your getting this same def. or whatever it is ... in Hydro or soil??


Well-Known Member
You mentioned this is your first hydroponic grow so I thought I would offer a possibility.
By week 4 of flower your plant is halfway done, Halfway dead.
As a plant matures the larger older fan leaves turn yellow and die. Its natural.
You can change that by using more grow nutes and some cal-mag but its perfectly normal.
that kind of makes me relax a little... it just looks like it's dying off too soon... i just put the pineapple smaller bucket with a high concentration of micronutes with a slightly higher ph *6.2* to try to maximize magnesium uptake... will post pics in a couple of days...


Well-Known Member
Ya man all my grows have been like that dieing fan leaves, Everyday going out to pluck dead ones off outside, but Indoor be careful not to take away all there solar panels.


No mine is different not just lack of nitrogen where the fan leaves go yellow and fall off , the leaves nearer the top start to yellow but the viens stay green then get worse from there??? The pics show how it stars and what they end up like ??
My room is 4meters x 4 meters x 2 heigh 6 x 600 hps 4 12inch fans 2500 m3 outtake 2x 550m3 intakes. And still havin this problem I now have a dehumidifier controllin temp and humidity temp 75 humid 50%
Also just change from soil to coco on duo autopot system