Made a big Mistake with FFOF Soil


Well-Known Member
I mix some castings lime in some ffof
but I gave them 1 ml protekt and 1 ml dyna gro about a week after planting and some knl
leaves are sad droopy and yellow, the stems are reddish purple and will snap if i bend them

my promix has same mix and i fed them the same thing and they exploded no problems at all

Im locking out P im guessing and im assuming a slew of other shit.
Can I foliar feed and leach just feed plain water until this shit goes away
I dont flush and I really really need to avoid it because of the count


Well-Known Member
leave FFOF well enough alone until week 6 of use. its already hot and doesn't need anything else added. except for maby some dolomite lime.

your gonna have to flush.